Chapter 10: Yavin 4

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Y/N's P.O.V

The ship has just jumped into hyperspace after escaping the Imperial base.

I'm sat with Anakin in the cockpit and I told him about what happened with Davis and Denvik.

He sits back in his chair.

Anakin: Y/N, I... why did you do that?

I sigh.

Y/N: For awhile now I've... I've been having these dark moments, I guess. I feel this darkness in me and I can't control it.

I look away before looking back at him.

Y/N: And I feel it's gonna take me over.

He sighs.

Anakin: I know what that's like, Y/N.

Y/N: Really?

He nods.

Anakin: I have my own darkness within me. When I was a Padawan I allowed my darkness to take over, like you did with Davis.

He wipes away a few tears.

Anakin: I went back to Tatooine to find my mother as I had vision's of her in danger. And when I found her she had been tortured by Tuskin Radier's.

I lean forward in my chair.

Anakin: And she died. I felt the rage build up inside me, the darkness. So, I killed them, I killed all of them.

Y/N: I'm so sorry, Anakin. I had no idea.

Anakin: Not many people do. Only Padmè, Obi-Wan and a trusted Jedi Master know about it.

He leans forward.

Anakin: Look, the reason I'm telling you this is because I want you to know that every Jedi faces the Darkside. But it's how we come back from the Darkside that's what matters.

Y/N: But how do I come back from it?

He thinks for a moment.

Anakin: I think I have an idea for that.

Just then Jaina comes in.

Jaina: Hey, guys.

Y/N: Hey.

Anakin: Hi, Jaina. Did you get in touch with your mother?

Jaina: Yes. Mum and Luke are safe, they're now on Crait. And they know we're okay too.

(A/N: So, yes. Padmè is alive in this timeline. I wanted to leave it ambiguous on whether she was alive or not. And Luke is her younger brother.)

Anakin: Okay, good.

Jaina: So, where are we going now?

He stands up.

Anakin: Well, you're going back to Crait to join your mother and brother along with R2. Y/N and I need to go and handle something else.

Jaina: Uh, okay. Can I ask where you're going?

Anakin: Somewhere that'll help Y/N.

Jaina: Okay, got it.

After that she goes to get into her X-Wing.

(Two hours later)

(Planet: Yavin 4)

The Jedi Starship comes out of hyperspace over a planet I've never seen before.

I look to Anakin.

Y/N: Where are we?

Anakin: This is Yavin 4

Y/N: Okay. BD-1, scan for any lifeforms.

BD-1: (Beeps.)

He starts a scan.

A few seconds later he looks to me.

BD-1: (Beeps.)

Y/N: Really? You're picking up nothing.

Anakin: That's not surprising. Yavin 4 isn't known for having a population.

I nod.

We fly the Starship down to the surface of the planet.

All I see is trees and old temples.

A moment later we touch down and leave the ship.

Y/N: I still don't get why we're here, Master.

Anakin: Well, like the planet Bagnoo, this planet has a Jedi Temple/outpost.

We walk over to a temple.

Y/N: Is this the place?

Anakin: It is. Go inside, there's someone in there that I want you to meet. He helped me and I think he can help you too.

Y/N: Okay. BD, stay out here.

BD-1: (Beeps.)

He jumps off my shoulder.

After that I walk over to the temple and the door opens.

I walk inside into a pitch black room.

Y/N: Hello? Is anyone here?

???: Yes. We are all here.

I look around.

Y/N: Who's there?

The room lights up slightly and I see a ghostly figure appear infront of me.

???: Hello, young Jedi.

Y/N: Wait, I know you. You're Qui-Gon Jinn.

???: I am. And you're Y/N Starkiller.

Y/N: You know who I am?

Qui-Gon: I do. Your Master is Anakin Skywalker, he was once to be my Apprentice before my death.

Y/N: Do you know why I'm here?

Qui-Gon: I do. You have darkness inside you, Y/N. Like your father, Revan.

Y/N: Anakin said you can help me like you helped him. Is that true?

Qui-Gon: I can, but you have to trust me and trust in the force. Can you do that?

Y/N: I can. I need to control this darkness. I need help.

Qui-Gon: Asking for help is hard, but the fact that you've come here means you are ready.

Y/N: What do I do first?

Qui-Gon: Kneel down and close your eyes.

I do as he says and kneel down before closing my eyes.

Looks like I have got a new teacher.

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