Chapter 8: An Imperial Agent

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(Planet: Crait)

Y/N's P.O.V

The Marauder comes out of hyperspace over the planet Crait.

Hunter comes over to us.

Hunter: Are we over Crait?

Y/N: Yep.

Jaina: My dad and the other's are already there, right?

Y/N: They are. They're okay, though we did lose some people.

Mara: Of course we did.

Y/N: Tech, take us in.

Tech: Yes, sir.

He flies the Marauder down to Crait.

The Rebellion is currently based here and their base is within a mountain.

As we get in closer a voice comes over the comms.

Officer: Unknown ship, please identify yourself.

Y/N: This is Lieutenant Y/N Starkiller. Landing code 2507721.

There's a moment of silence.

Officer: Landing codes are good. Welcome back, Lieutenant.

Y/N: Thank you.

Tech flies the Marauder towards the base and lands within the base.

After that we leave the ship.

Jaina: Wow. This place hasn't changed at all.

Y/N: No, it hasn't.

???: You made it.

We look over to see Anakin.

Anakin: I'm so glad you're both okay.

He hugs Jaina and I.

Jaina: Dad, we're fine.

We pull away.

Y/N: We just wanna know what happened. How'd the Empire find our base?

He sighs.

Anakin: Well, we might be able to shed some light on that. Come with me.

We go with Anakin and he takes us to the command centre upstairs.

The other's are up here with General Sato.

Ahsoka: Jaina, Y/N, you're here.

Sato looks over to see us.

Sato: Ah, Lieutenant Starkiller. It's good to see you.

Y/N: Likewise, General.

Sato: And I'm sorry for the loss of your people on Crait.

I nod.

Y/N: Thank you.

I look to Anakin.

Y/N: So, what happened?

Anakin: It turns out we had a spy among us.

He hands me the datapad.

Anakin: Davis was a traitor.

Y/N: Damn it.

Jaina: He's been with us for months. How'd we never know.

Anakin: I'm not sure, but we can't make that mistake again.

Ahsoka comes over.

Y/N: I'm assuming he's here.

Ahsoka: He's being held in a cell below. We caught him before he could escape.

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