Chapter 5: A Blue Crystal

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Y/N's P.O.V

I follow the sparkling guide and it guides me to a room with multiple pathways.

I stop.

Y/N: Great. Which way do I go now?

Guide: Your path, this is. You decide. Trust the force, you must.

I close my eyes and allow the force to help me.

A second later I open my eyes and walk down the middle pathway.

Third person perspective

While Y/N is in the temple, Anakin waits for him on the ship.

He has made contact with Ahsoka who is still on Jedha.

Ahsoka: So, Y/N's still in the temple?

Anakin: Yeah. I'm starting to worry. Maybe you were right. Maybw it was too soon for this.

Ahsoka: I gotta say, I always love hearing that.

Skywalker smirks.

Anakin: Yeah, I know, Snips.

Ahsoka: I'm sure he's fine. He may be new to the galaxy, but he's tough.

Anakin: I hope you're right. Cause he's gonna need to be.

(Ten minutes later)

Y/N's P.O.V

After following the sparkling guide for awhile I find myself in this big room.

Y/N: Whoa.

???: Tell me, why must you become Jedi?

Y/N: Because the Empire is after me and I need to be able to protect myself. They won't stop coming from me.

Guide: Protect yourself, not the way of the Jedi, that is.

I sigh.

Y/N: I won't just protect myself. I'll protect everyone. I won't allow anyone to be mistreated by the Empire like I was. Be a weapon like I was supposed to be.

Guide: Yes! Good, good.

I look down and close my eyes.

Guide: Ahead of you, a difficult path, there is Padawan. A Jedi, you may yet be.

I then look up and see a bright blue crystal falling down to me.

The crystal then falls into my hands.

I look at it and smile.

Y/N: Whoa.

(Five minutes later)

I walk out of the cave and end up back where I started.

I look over and see BD-1 rush over to me.

BD-1: (Beeps!)

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for waiting for me.

BD-1: (Happily beeps.)

He rush over and climbs up my body and I move my arm up for him to stop on it.

Y/N: Hey, so do you maybe wanna come with me and get off this planet?

BD-1: (Happily beeps.)

I smile.

Y/N: Okay, great. Let's get back to my ship.

BD makes his way onto my shoulder and we leave the Jedi Temple.

After that we make it back to the ship and see Anakin at the entrance.

Anakin: You made it back. Good job.

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