Chapter 13: The New Base

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(Two weeks later)

(Planet: D'Qar)

Third person perspective

The Hidden Path is now on the planet of D'Qar as this is their new home base.

They've been on D'Qar for a few days now and are still setting things up.

Obi-Wan walks into the command centre to meet with Padmè.

She turns to see him.

Padmè: Obi-Wan, has the off loading been finished?

Obi-Wan: Almost. We're still waiting on two more ships to come in with their supplies.

Padmè: Okay, that's good. We can take a break before they get here then.

She steps forward.

Padmè: Are they still training?

He nods.

Obi-Wan: Yes. They've been going nonstop. They need to be ready before they go to Malachor.

Padmè: I really wished you'd go with them, Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: I would, but Anakin wants me here and wants me to trust him.

Padmè: I know. Come on.

The two leaving and head to the training area.

A moment later they walk into the training area to see Y/N and Anakin sparring with Jaina, Luke and Mara watching on.

Mara: I can't believe they're still going.

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm still training with Anakin with other's watching on.

We lock blades.

Anakin: Keep your blade up. It's alot easier to drop, then it is to raise it.

Y/N: Got it.

He breaks off and knocks me into the wall.

I quickly dodge his next attack and his blade hits the wall.

I pull out one of my DL-44's and fire at him, but he blocks the shots.

Anakin: Nice try, kid.

I put the blaster away and charge at him.

As we fight I spin and use my saber to block Anakin's strikes as well as protect my back.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N.)

Anakin: You know that's my move, right?

We lock blades.

Y/N: I do, but I just like taking your moves and improving on them.

He chuckles.

We continue to spar and clash sabers in the middle of the room.

After that we use the force to push each other back and we both slide back across the floor.

Jaina then steps in.

Jaina: Okay, okay. That's enough, boys.

Padmè: She's right, Ani.

Anakin: Alright.

He comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Anakin: Well done, my young Padawan.

Y/N: Thank you.

Just then Luke rushes over.

Luke: You were awesome, Y/N.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks, Luke.

We high five.

Luke: Dad, when can I start training as a Jedi?

Anakin: Not yet, son. You're only eight.

Luke: Oh, okay.

After that the two leave with Padmè.

I look at Jaina and I can sense she's off.

She's been this way for the past few days and it feels like she's been avoiding me.

Y/N: Jaina, are you okay?

Jaina: Do you even care?

Y/N: What? Of course I do.

Jaina: Somehow I doubt it.

She runs off.

Y/N: Jaina!

I run out of the training area to find her.

A moment later I found her on the edge of the base.

She's sitting on the grass and I go over to sit with her.

Y/N: Jaina, what's going on? You've been off and avoiding me. Talk to me.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

Jaina: I don't want you to go.

Y/N: What?

She moves forward and hugs me.

Jaina: Don't go to Malachor.

Y/N: Jaina, I have to go to Malachor. This could be our chance to destroy the Sith.

Jaina: But why you?

Y/N: Because I need to end this. I can't let your dad and Ahsoka go alone. And you're needed here.

She nods.

Jaina: Okay, okay. I... I understand.

She wipes the tears away.

Jaina: So, when do you leave?

Y/N: As soon as Ahsoka gets here.

I look at her.

Y/N: So, we can spend time together before I leave.

She smiles.

Jaina: I'd like that.

She puts my arm around her and rests her head on my shoulder.

Jaina: Thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: You're welcome.

We look out and watch the sun set.

(The next day)

I'm now sat on the outskirts of the base.

I see an animal native to D'Qar and it comes over to me.

I reach out with the force and make a connection with it.

The animal comes over and I pet it's head.

Y/N: Hey there.

???: Y/N.

I turn to see Ahsoka.

Y/N: Hey, Ahsoka.

I stand up.

Ahsoka: I see you've made a new friend?

Y/N: Uh, yeah. And the base is coming a long way.

Ahsoka: I can see that. Are you ready to go?

Y/N: Yes, I am.

I leave with her to meet with Anakin.

It's time to go to Malachor.

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