Chapter 11: The Inquisitor's

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(Three months later)

(Planet: Oosalon)

Third person perspective

It's been three months since Y/N's training with the force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn.

Since then Y/N's been getting better at controlling his darker tendencies.

Right now Y/N and Ahsoka are on Oosalon.

The two Jedi have gone to Oosalon in order to find a new base for the Hidden Path.

The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister have been after for some time as ordered by the Grand Inquisitor.

Y/N and Ahsoka back up to the edge of a mountain as they fight the Inquisitor's.

Y/N: You know, I'm starting to think that won't work out as a base after all.

Ahsoka: Well, given that the secret base needs to be in a secret location, you're right. It won't work out. 

Tano force pushes the Third Brother back.

Ahsoka: Where's R2 and R7?

Y/N: I don't know. I signaled him. He's probably gotten lost.

Ahsoka: Oh, great. Just what we need.

The Jedi backs up.

Ahsoka: Y/N, cross!

Starkiller nods before rushes towards him.

Tano uses the force to pull him forward and Y/N slides across the ground.

Y/N quickly turns and force pushes Ahsoka towards the Seventh Sister.

Y/N turns to see the Fifth Brother coming at him.

He quickly ingites his mother's lightsaber to block the Inquisitor's strike.

As Tano fighting the Seventh Sister, the two lock blades.

Seventh Sister: Such a beautiful face.

Ahsoka: Thank you, but you're not my type.

Seventh Sister: That's ashame. I guess you have to die now.

A small probe droid flies in and lands on Ahsoka's head.

Ahsoka: Ah!

It drags her towards the edge of the mountain.

Y/N sees this and slides under the Inquisitor's blade and pulls out one of his DL-44's.

He fires at the Seventh Sister to distract her.

Starkiller then shoots the probe and it gets destroyed.

Just then the Fifth Brother force pushes Y/N forward and he flies through the air.

Y/N: Ah, Ahsoka!!

He flies over the edge, but Y/N quickly grabs his leg.

Ahsoka: I got you! I got you!

Tano looks back to see the Inquisitor's approaching.

Ahsoka: Y/N, I need you up here.

Y/N: Hang on. Give me a sec.

Starkiller closes his eyes and uses the force to call in some help.

Just then Tano throws Y/N into the air and the Jedi spins, allowing Ahsoka to catch him again.

Ahsoka: Up on three?

Y/N: Let's do it.

Ahsoka: One...

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