Chapter 6: The Clone Rescue

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(One year later)

(3 BBY. Y/N's age: 16)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm on a mission with Rex, Gregor, Echo and Fireball.

Some Clones have been captured by the Empire and we've gotta save them.

And I'm leading the mission.

We're intercepting the Imperial transport in space.

Echo: There's the transport.

Y/N: I see it. Gregor, hit 'em.

Gregor: Yes, sir.

He fires a torpedo and it stops the transport in it's tracks.

After that Gregor docks our ship at the airlock.

Y/N: Alright, boys. Let's go.

The four of us rush out of the cockpit and go to board the transport ship.

Fireball and Echo get up against either said of the door.

I can sense Stormtroopers on the other side.

Y/N: Rex, we'll deal with the Stormtroopers on the other side. Fireball, get the door.

He nods.

Fireball hits the button and the door opens.

I ingite my lightsaber and rush out with Rex.

The Stormtroopers fire at us.

I block their blaster shots as Rex fires at them from behind me.

Rex: We've got more incoming.

We turn to see more Stormtroopers coming at us.

I continue to block their shots while Rex shoots them down.

Once they're all down, Echo and Fireball come out.

Echo: What now?

Y/N: Fireball, you're with me. We'll free the prisoner's. Rex, Echo, you two get to the bridge and get any intel you can find.

Rex: We're on it.

Rex and Echo go right and head to the bridge.

Y/N: Let's go, Fireball.

Fireball: Yes, Lieutenant.

He and I go left to find the prisoner's.

As we head to the prison cell's we run into more Stormtroopers.

I block their blaster shots.

Fireball fires at them from cover, but can't land a hit.

I block their shots and get behind cover with Fireball.

Fireball: I can't hit 'em.

Y/N: Yeah, I noticed. 

I deactivate my saber.

Y/N: Okay, I've got an idea.

I put my hand on his shoulder as he aims his blaster.

Y/N: I'll pull, you fire.

He chuckles.

Fireball: Reminds me of old times.

I smirk.

Y/N: Easy there, Sargent.

I use the force to pull them out of cover and Fireball shoots them down.

Y/N: Nice one. Let's move.

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