51. Remembering her Presence

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Hey ya! Hope you like the chapter. Guess I should slowly start with the repairing of our Rag-San relationship, ne?

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Moving on...

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51. Remembering her Presence

"Ugh!" Sanskar woke up with a groan. "Wha...wha?"

Everything was so dark. He couldn't see anything. Moreover, his head felt like it was filled with cotton.

'Why is everything so dark? So dark...'

"Just like your life?" spoke a voice nearby.

My conscious is talking back to me. Great!

"Being sarcastic now, are we? Cute Sanky, very cute." sassed a voice. "You were talking out loud, you moron."

Groggily, Sanskar tried opening his eyes, only to find them too heavy. Finally, with great effort he managed to open them, only to close them quickly because of the brightness of the lights.

"Why is it so bright? Ugh, the lights. Damn it Lucky, turn them off!"

"Its not too bright. You're just hungover."

"Hungover?" Sanskar tried to recall what happened the previous day, only to draw a blank after the time he marched into the office. 'And then what? The employees were leaving and Manisha, the bitch!' A wave of anger hit Sanskar as he remembered how angry he was at her after what she did at the mall. But that was it.

He didn't remember if he shouted at her or even worse...'did I hit her? Oh God! She better not mess up my business'.

But that still doesn't explain how he got back home.

And what was Laksh doing in his house at the crack of dawn?

"Did you bring me home, Lucky?"

"Like I would be able to carry your drunken arse all by myself. You aren't exactly light weight Sanky."

"Will you stop your lame sarcasm and answer me right for once, you retard?!" Sanskar shouted with a glare.

"Behave Sanskar! He is back after so long and all you do is bark at your cousin brother. You should be ashamed. Is that how I raised you?" Sujata glared at him as she emerged from the kitchen, placing two cups of tea in front of them.

"Maa, explain to me what I'm doing here, how I got here and what is he doing here in MY house."

"Go wash your face and have a bath first!"

Sanskar opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it. He did smell.

Getting up abruptly, he swayed a bit, but balanced himself by holding on to Laksh's mop of hair.

"Ow! You chickenshit! Control your damned body!"

"Whatever. It's too early for your whinings." Sanskar smirked. Pulling a little too hard on Laksh's hair, he walked off towards his room.

As he neared his room, he heard his mother question Laksh on why he had all the lights on in the room as it was too bright for even her. 'Aish! That shitty brother did turn on many lights just to make me more miserable. I'll get back to you Lucky, just you wait!' slamming his door loudly, he started heading towards his attached washroom.

"So, Laksh...why so early? Were you that excited to see us?" Sujata questioned.

"Nah. I was missing only Ram baba." Laksh joked as he saw Ram emerge from his room.

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