52. The Shadows of the Night

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Well, guess we've seen Ragini's side of the story where Sanskar is turning into a cold-hearted guy with anger issues. A few chapters need Sanskar's side of the story too, no?

Moving on... 🕺🕺🕺

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes.' – Thoughts

52. The Shadows of the Night

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning."


Sanskar looked at the employee in irritation. "What!?"

"Nothing sir! HaveAGoodDay!"

'I'm hiring idiots!' shaking his head, he walked off towards the elevator.

Once he was safely inside and the elevator doors were closed, the employees in the floor all huddled together to discuss their latest topic of discussion- Sanskar Maheshwari, or the 'Glaring Demon from Hell' as they called, replied back in a normal tone...something which rarely happens.

Very rarely.

#With Sanskar#

Sanskar flopped down on his revolving chair, making it creak. He could already feel his headache worsening and it was only 10 am. 

He still remembers how he practically kicked Laksh out once he was in front of Mani's house. But Laksh only looked at him in worry and told him to get himself some medicine on the way. Although he wouldn't admit it, Sanskar felt touched by this small gesture. It has been a long time since he felt cared for. He felt a smile coming on his lips despite himself.

'Ragini always did. It is you who always pushes her away by your harsh words! That's why she stopped caring!'

Sanskar flinched as his mind supplied him with the truth.

"Hello Sanky. Goooood morning!" drawled the very object of his disdain. Sanskar looked up towards Manisha with a glare. However, instead of smirking and cooing like she shamelessly did usually, Manisha only glared back with a hiss. "If you're going to blame me, then don't even dare!"

'Blame her? So, something did happen!' Sanskar thought in distress. However, he schooled his features, careful not to reveal anything. If Manisha knew that he doesn't remember whatever happened, she'll take advantage of it and twist the truth to benefit herself. Sanskar knew that well.

"Yes. I will keep blaming you. It was you who initiated it!"

Manisha threw the files that she had in her hands onto the table. "How dare you scumbag bla-" taking a deep breath, Manisha tried to calm herself. "Look Sanky...its true that I like you. Heck, I lust after you and you know that! But what happened yesterday was not only me. You enjoyed every bit of it! You accepted it even, you damned dipshit!"

Sanskar felt like a bomb had been dropped onto him.

Dropped from the sky...so hard that he felt as if it had crushed him to the ground and sent him reeling into the core of the earth, suffocating him.

"You...you're lying! I. Would. Never! I would never cheat on Ragini!"

Manisha laughed a bitter smile. "Ragini this, Ragini that! To hell with it! It was me you sought comfort in yesterday, not Ragini! Me! Manisha! Not Ragini!"

Sanskar shook his head. "You lying bitch! You would go to any lengths to get what you want, but this crosses the limit of your lies!"

Manisha looked at him in frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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