Chapter 1

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It was finally my first day of high school. Usually I would be a little bitch and not get up in time for school just to irritate my mothers, but today I actually got up on time due to my excitement. Though, I wasn't exited for school, yea no. I was really excited for tomorrow which was my birthday, but not just any birthday, my eighteenth birthday. I would finally be able to find my mate and I couldn't wait, I've been waiting my whole life for this day. It sounds crazy, I know, but trust me it's exciting for everyone. "KOA GET YOUR ASS UP OR YOULL BE L-.. oh. Since when do you get up on time?" My mother rolled her eyes. "I'm just excited for tomorrow, now get outta my room so I can change," I rolled my eyes back at her. "Speak to me like that again and-"

     "Baby!" My other mother shouted from across the house. "We aren't done here," she said pointing her finger, slowly shutting the door before heading towards her wife. I chuckled to myself as I got ready. Today I picked out an all black outfit, black hoodie, sweatpants, and my best black shoes with a silver chain to tie it all up. I liked to dress comfortable, plus I need looser clothes to be able to move around as much as needed Incase I were to get in a fight. Before walking out of my room, I sprayed myself down with my favorite cologne. I looked in my mirror to make sure everything was good. Im an omega but I look just like an alpha. Im tall, has amazing abs, and overall I just look amazing.

     "Yea right, be all delusional, but we both know you aren't all that."

     I rolled my eyes at my wolfs comment. At birth, most shifters get the ability to shift into their designated animal and get to hear their inner animal, but some people don't get to do all of that until they are eighteen. My wolfs name is Pickle. That's right, pickle. It sounds stupid but that's what little me came up with and it kinda just stuck around.

     I continued looking at myself in the mirror. I had messy black hair that went down to my eyes and down a bit further on my neck. My eyes were bright blue and my fangs were quite large. Once I was finished admiring myself, or being "delusional," I tossed my bag over my shoulder and rushed down the stairs into the kitchen. I stumbled down the last step, grabbing a cinnamon roll off the counter before running through the door and into my car. I started the car and began my journey to school.

Once I arrived, I grabbed my phone to look at my schedule for the day. English was first, that wasn't too bad. I traveled through the crowded halls, many people sent a glance or two at me as I passed by. I made sure to look all tough so people would know not to mess with me.

"Stop trying to show out and get your ass to class," Pickle said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I mumbled. My shoes began to squeak which was really embarrassing. I cringed just thinking about it, trying my best not to die of embarrassment. I walked past a group of guys, in which I recognized all of them from the year before. They all sent me glances, some even laughed quietly. This triggered me enough to make me snap my head in their direction and growl at them. "Keep laughing and see if I don't shove one of your heads down a toilet and laugh at you while you sit there and helplessly drown," I snapped. The main one who was laughing stopped and gave me a look before continuing to talk about whatever it was before I walked by. Stupid ass kids don't know their damn place.

I almost missed my classroom and had to walk backwards a few steps. Before entering, I took a deep breath and sighed as I opened the door. Only four other people were in here since I was early. "And you are?" The male teacher who looked around his forties asked. I tried my best to be respectful to teachers unless they pissed me off or yelled at me in which I wouldn't even look at them for the remaining school year. "I'm koa. Where do I sit?" I asked while looking around. "Anywhere is fine Mr, Koa. Just make sure your comfortable because that will be your seat for the rest of the semester."

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