Chapter 9

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     Drenched. I was drenched and out of breath. The blinking on the collar was the only thing keeping me from loosing my sanity, surprisingly. I was so close to escaping yet so far, and at this point I wasn't sure where I would end up. I was cold and freezing, but mainly scared. I was so scared and the only thing I wanted was to be back home, I just wanted to feel safe. I wanted to be held and told everything would be okay, even if I knew it wouldn't be. The only thing I knew of was to give up.

     I let my body relax down as I just gave up. I didn't want to fight it anymore, they knew where I was and would be here at any time to claim me back. Maybe I was just being dramatic. Maybe it's not them, it's me. My life was hard, and my mothers were abusive at many points of my life. I knew that if I just gave in fully and obeyed them, I could live a life in luxury and never have to worry about anything again. Yea, that's right. It will be okay, I'll just be a good boy and let them come get m- "There he is. You two go on that side I'll grab him on mine. Do not let him get away, the boss will kill us."

I jumped as hands began grabbing me from all directions. The voice didn't sound like one of my mates which made me panic and struggle, trying to get away but I couldn't. The tree started lifting up followed by many hands grabbing onto me, some removing the roots. I whined very loud due to the pain in the vines cutting through my skin, but I stopped as soon as I felt a hand collide against my snout, hard. I was too stunned to try anything else, I just sat there shocked, totally ignoring the stinging pain now in my nose too. "Shut up you little bitch." It seemed to be three men, none having the scent of my mates meaning they weren't from the castle. This encouraged me to start and fight back again. "He's not cooperating, what do we do?" A man spoke sharply, sounding like he was talking into a mic.

I couldn't hear the following words he received back but I could probably guess what they said when a knife was held up to my body as they threatened me to turn into my human form.


     Well, that was the last thing that happened before I got out and tore every single one of them to shreds.

They now stood lifeless below me, some parts beginning to flow away due to the flooding still happening. I huffed in annoyance, licking the blood from my face into my mouth. I was currently in human form, just standing still. I wasn't quite sure what to do so I just stood there, waiting.

"Have you lost your mind?? Let's go! I know damn well you can smell them close by. Don't tell me you're going to go back."

"I'm not going to go back; I'm waiting for them to come get me."

"I can't believe you. After all of this you're letting them come get you. Tch. Unbelievable."

I knew my wolf was mad but it couldn't be helped. Realistically, there was nothing I could do about it. I had nowhere to go and knew nothing about this world. They would find me from my tracker or scent and either way, I'm sure it was dangerous for me to be out here alone. I sighed, looking down at the body's once more before turning around to walk around. As I took a step out, I stopped looking down and noticed how the flooding stopped. That was odd. I looked up at the sky, noticing it was clear and bright as if nothing had happened. "Phht," I laughed to myself, only to scream not even a second later.

Right in front of me, just ways in the tree line, stood a beast as tall as ten large trees stacked on top of each other. Many things gave it away, but the main was the scent and the wingless body. It was a dragon, my mate. He was large, very large, his eye was probably the size of me and he stood right before me, just watching. He was black, almost pitch black if not fully. Though, it would of taken great skills to get right next to me and my wolf not even notice. I looked over and around his large form, directly at his torso. I could see large scars on both sides of his sides, which showed where his wings once stood. Even though I knew this was Zyaire, I knew it wasn't exactly him, it was his dragon. I haven't met neither one of their dragons, so I had no clue what they were like. They couldn't be even worse, could they?

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