Chapter 13 - Pissed

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"Hyunjinnie!" A voice interrupts the awkward situation we were in. I see the panic in Hyunjins eyes and we jump away from eachother on instinct.

Hyunjins hands let go of my waist and I quickly striaghten up on my feet. But his light up as soon as he sees the man who emerged from the stairs.

"Wonpil hyung!" Hyunjin jumps toward my brother, embracing him with a large smile, "How've you been?"

I want to gag at the sight of my older brother and my enemy hugging. They always got along even as Wonpil was very much aware of our dislike for eachother. He was our neutralizer I guess.

But I was still dazed from the event that just occurred to even clear my thoughts. My heart felt like I ran a mile and my cheeks felt so hot.

Do I have a fever or something?

"Everything's great Hyunjin-ah!" Wonpil pulls away with a chuckle and pats the boys shoulder, "You've gotten much taller eh?"

"And handsomer." Hyunjin adds with a smirk, complimenting himself like that narcissistic brat always does.

But I guess he didn't lie?-

The two boys laugh together as I still stand by the shoes infront of the door. Wonpil wraps an arm around Hyunjins shoulder, "How's auntie and uncle?"

"They're good! They said they'd be here at around 6 or 7." Hyunjin smiles along in the conversation, he looked genuinely happy to see Wonpil again, "moms making japchae! We are eating gooood tonight!" He says in an exaggerated voice.

"Aunties the best cook" Wonpil groans, his mouth practically watering, "I've literally been craving it since I left last time!"

I silently scoff. I hate when they get along. I hate it. Wonpil came home to see me, not Hyunjin! Why does he even like him when he knows we hate each other!

"Minnie wanna come?"

"Huh?" I lift my head to see the two boys looking at me, "uh sorry uhm what did you say?"

"I said do you wanna come play on the Xbox upstairs, Hyunjins gonna stay for a few hours until dinner." Wonpil asks with a soft smile, I could tell he was encouraging me to soften up and get along with Hyunjin.

It isn't that simple hyung.

"I don't think he'd wanna." Hyunjin smirks at me before innocently turning to Wonpil with convincing eyes.

I glare at the older, "You don't know me."

"I don't know you? We practically learned to walk together?" Hyunjin scoffs.

"You don't know me!!" I say louder this time, a sudden burst of anger had consumed my thoughts, "Stop acting like it!"

"Woah woah woah Minnie calm down." Wonpil is quickly to place a hand on my shoulder and stop me from going any further, but my mood was already sour.

What was supposed to be my time with MY brother is now going to be taken by the person I hate most.

And you're telling me to calm down.

I huff dramatically and pull Wonpil arm off me. I give Hyunjin a nasty glare before storming away from the two and up the stairs to my room.

I was so fucking tired.

I'm so tired.


As soon as I enter my bedroom, I beeline it for my backpack, pulling out my journal roughly. My breathing was still heavy and I could really use a punching bag right now, but this journal would have to do.

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