Chapter 8 - Your classic brawl

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"Aish i know you took my pencil!" My voice screeches through the hallway, one hand grabbing onto Hyunjins ponytail, pulling him backward as he yelps out in pain, and the other hand on his backpack.

"Bitch I didn't take it!" Hyunjin yells out as he grabs a hold of my uniform tie, tugging on it in retaliation. The two of us fighting like two teenage girls.

Without the girls part.

"Stop lying! You know you did! Do you know how embarassing it is to ask the teacher for a pencil for a test!?" I yell even louder, while pulling on his hair even harder, and making the rage inside me even greater.

Your classic Hyunjin and Seungmin brawl. Most of the kids around them hadn't even stopped to watch, almost unfazed by the occourance. Where as I was ready to yell at this boy loud enough for the next city over to hear.

"Literally nobody else would be embarrassed about that except for you! Plus it's not like you were going to get a good score on the test anyway!" Hyunjin chuckles as his own joke. The two of us move around the hallway, pulling on eachothers hair and hitting one another like animals.

"YAH!" I yell while I pull him off me, there's no way he just went there. Does he want me to rip out his luscious locks?

"What are you gonna do? Huh? Cry about it?" Hyunjin taunts, breathing heavy as he stares at me with a smirk. I exhale with rage as I bring a hand up to slap the boy, but unfortunately I was interrupted by somebody catching my wrist.

I turn to see the figure next to me, my eyes full of fury. But I immediately backed down when I see it was the principal, her eyes instead filled with sternness that made the two of us immediately seperate.

I had almost forgotten we were literally in the middle of the school hallway.



And just like that. Hwang Hyunjin and I, Kim seungmin, end up in detention together.

Definitely wasn't the first time.

I sit with my arms crossed, facing away from the boy sitting next to me. The room was pretty much empty except for the two of us, and of course the detention teacher.

Just the presence of the boy was enough to put in a sour mood, and now we were stuck together.

"Are you going to apologize?" Hyunjin finally speaks up, turning his head to try and meet my eyes, but I avoid them. My pettiness was strong.

"Why should I apologize!"

"Because I didn't steal your pencil asshole." Hyunjin shoves my side. It takes all of my energy to not start another fight here, but if we fought in detention, that would probably lead to a suspension.

I cannot have that on my record.

"And I want an apology for your... prank..." Hyunjin coughs out, clearly embarrassed as his eyes trail away. That brings a small smile to my face.

I reluctantly turn my body to him, the widest bitch smile on my face, "Sorry you thought Yuri had a thing for you Hyunjinnie." I fake a pout with my classic puppy dog eyes.

The older looks me up and down with a grossed out expression, "you better watch your back."

"You better watch your locker, I heard Choi yuris there right now." I taunt Hyunjin, smiling in his face. I loved seeing the way he furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his sharp eyes, it only meant that my taunting was working.

He grabs onto my collar abruptly, his voice raspy with anger, "You motherfu-"

"BOYS!" The detention teacher voice suddenly booms across the classroom, both of our eyes widening and our hearts dropping. "GET OFF EACHOTHER BEFORE I CALL YOUR PARENTS!"

To those words, Hyunjin and I immediately seperate, no other words exchanged as we cross our arms and return to facing away from one another.

Just to our luck, however, we had gotten extended detention for that little ordeal.

So that meant literal hours in this room next to a boy I want to push off a building. It was safe to say that eventually, the two of us got bored.

About an hour in, I had my head laying in my arms on the desk, trying to get some sleep, while Hyunjin picked at his chipped nail polish, occasionally running his fingers through his, now hurting, medium length hair. I guess my strength did shine through when I tugged on that ponytail of his.

But now we were literally bored out of our minds.

Hyunjin was the first to finally speak up with a sigh, "Are you not going to mention what happened in the bathroom?"

I open my eyes to his voice, Hyunjin now had his head in his arms too, facing mine as we looked into eachothers eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" My face heats up, there's no way I'm actually having this conversation. Just when I was starting to forget the fact I broke down infront of my enemy.

"You. Crying?" He says quietly.

"C-crying." I stutter out, "me? Psh I never cry!" I laugh nervously, trying to hide my reddening face with my arms.

"I thought that too," Hyunjin adds on with an almost confused tone, "I can't even remember the last time I saw you crying."

"Just shut up Hwang." I sigh, I really didn't know what to say to him. The number one rule in the enemy guide 101 is don't be vulnerable infront of your enemy.

Trust me I read it!

And somehow I managed to break that rule

Like do you understand how awkward this is now?

Ugh it brings shivers to my spine.

"Did something happen between you and Chan?" Hyunjin suddenly asks, making me shift my eyes back to his. How the hell did he know?

"Why should I tell you anything?"  The embarrassment at this point was overwhelming. I would pay to get out of this situation but the world hates me enough to have me stuck here in detention.

"I mean, we are going to be here a while, " Hyunjin shrugs, lifting up his head, "Might as well entertain me."

"Entertain you?" I roll my eyes, "Find something else to do bitch."

"But I wanna hear the tea!!!" Hyunjin exclaims like a toddler, "So tell me." He places his chin onto his hand, batting his eyelashes, "Are you and Chan dating?"

I'm quick to lift my head a shove him back, "W-what!?" My face heating up even more, "What makes you think that!?"

"Well I saw him walk to your table before you-"

The boy suddenly stops talking, as his eyes linger on my face. "what?" I tilt my head in confusion at the frozen boy.

"Minnie you... your-" Hyunjin sputters out. His mouth was slightly agape as he motions to my face.

With a confused expression, I feel something streaming down my nose. A wet drop falling my hand a second later.

Hyunjin and I stare at eachtother for a brief moment, my breath hitches and my eyes go wide. His eyes still confused and anxious as he stared at me. My body felt frozen as my I slowly look down to my hands to see the wet drop.


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