Chapter 29 - Butterflies

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December 23rd 10:58pm

If you said embarassing could get embarassinger, you'd be right.

We sat there, the two of us, on the carpeted floor of wonpils bedroom. The tv was still on with ignored highlights of the game and a controller lied at my side.

But Hyunjin was all I saw.

My eyes shift between each of his, analyzing every feature on his handsome face.

I could feel my heart beating in my ears.

Hyunjin didn't seem to move away either, almost in my lap and on top of me. In fact he would have to move off of me first right?

So I wasn't the one hesitating here.

I was definitely not the one lost in his eyes right now!?

For a second, it seemed like Hyunjins eye flickered down, off of my eyes. A wave on confusion falls over me, until I realize what he was glancing at.

My lips.

Just like that night at the party....

Suddenly my eyes widened and I pulled back, coughing as I turn my head away from the older. Hyunjin looks away as well, moving off of my lap as I choke on practically air.

My cheeks were flamed with embarassment, but I was more focused on getting some oxygen.

I pat my own chest, trying to stop the sudden cough attack. However, when my hands go to cover my mouth, I feel a liquid touch my fingers.

And when I pulled my fingers back to look, there is a thin red liquid running down them.


"Minnie...?" Hyunjin squeaked from my behind me, his voice was almost a whisper as he tried to look around my back to see what I was staring at.

I was quick to cover my face again, getting up and trying to get out of there fast to make sure Hyunjin doesn't see anything.

But Hyunjin stood up as well, confused. "Minnie, I-is something wrong?" He questions, trying to follow me, but I don't deliver an answer.

Instead I book it to the doorway and almost run into another figure.

Just your classic Kim seungmin luck.

"Woah what happened Seungminnie?" Wonpil questions, now entering the room again and trying to look at Hyunjin, who was just as confused, for answers.

I didn't look up and just pushed past my older brother, running toward the bathroom and locking the door behind me. Being out of sight felt relieving, knowing that Hyunjin hadn't seen anything.

More coughs ring out of me and I hold onto the vanity for support, glancing up at my reflection to see red streams down my upper lip.

Ignoring the burning sensation in the back of my throat, I pinch my nose bridge and hold my head up. Using water to wash away the blood and praying it'll stop running.

Was I in there for long? Who knows?

The blood kept coming.

And I wasn't going to let Hyunjin see me like this, what if he got suspicious? I couldn't risk my secret.

Once I finally felt the liquid stop, I cleared my throat, staring at myself in the reflection of the mirror infront of me.

Well what was all that?

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