Chapter 16 - Coming clean

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"I promise next time we can have a more normal dinner with our Wonpil." My mother stands at the door, apologizing to the leaving family.

"Oh don't worry about it girl, I'm the one whose gotta pull my boy's ears a bit." Mrs Hwang reassures the lady while giving her beat up son an aggressive look.

Hyunjin just stands behind her, huffing with his hair draped over his face. I couldn't see his eyes no matter how hard I tried to meet them. I just stood in the stairs behind my parents as the Hwang family takes their leave.

It had been a long night after all.

"See you guys in the morning!" My dad says with a final wave as he finally closes the door.

It was like as soon as the door was locked, and Hyunjin was gone, my whole family's eyes shift to me. My parents heads whip around and Wonpil walks up next to me with a sigh.

"Seungmin-" my mother starts, her eyes wide and full of anger, though she masked it with concern.

I cut her off quickly as I look at my family with guilty eyes, "N-none of that was my fault." I quickly raise my hands in the air.

"First kiss? And you didn't tell your brother?" Wonpil places a hand on my shoulder while he shakes his head, "Can't believe it."

"Mom, dad, hyung, im sorry Chan hyung came! I didn't know he was capable of all that and Hyunjin just got dragged into it!" I quickly sputter out, trying my best to sound convincing and alievate their stress.

"No- oh my god seungmin- I don't care about that!" My mother dramatically throws her hand in the air as she looks like she's about to cry. "You fainted Minnie!"

So I was right.

They can tell.

They know.

It's over.

Everyone's happiness is gone again.

"I-I don't-" I feel tears threatening to spill over. "I just fainted!" I stutter out through sniffles, "I just hit my head!"

My dad walks over to me quietly and grabs my hands, "Please be honest with us seungmin." He looks into my sparkling eyes, "Have you been hiding anything?"

"I-I don't know..." I can't help it when my face contorts to a frown and sobs begin to echo out of me.

The next thing I know, Wonpil and my mother are on either side of me, hugging me tightly. "Please tell us if anything happens Minnie. We need to keep an eye on your condition." My father says in a calmer voice.


There's no way I could say it right? I can't tell them.


But I can't keep lying too? What would my family think if I lied this whole time.

And so I finally say it.

"I... think I need to get checked."


"Seungmin." Felix nudges my shoulder, panic whispering in my ear.

"whattt?" I whine, my head was laying on the desk and I was getting comfortable enough to sleep. I didn't exactly get much these past few nights.

Felix and jisung just keep nudging my arm as I groan and squirm around. I was indeed not a morning person. It finally goes silent and a small smile blooms on my face at the peace the atmosphere held when Lee Felix and Han jisung shut their mouths.

That is until another voice joins in.


My eyes shoot open and I quickly sit up straight. Infront of me stood Hwang Hyunjin, the very boy who walked me to school this morning and told me to wait outside so we wouldn't be seen together.

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