Chapter 27 - Bitch bunny

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"THEN- he told me his parents loved me and always wanted another son... I think I melted on the spot."

"Bleh." Jisung rolls his eyes, sticking out his tongue and fake gagging in a dramatic matter. "Relationships" He air quotes to mock felix.

"Mad you don't have one?" I pipe in, earning myself a pillow thrown at me by the quokka and a deadly glare.

Currently, the three of us resided in Felix's basement. Not kidnapped or duct taped as one might assume knowing the boy, we were here willingly to play some good ol Mario kart. Felix's basement was practically a gaming room, perfect to spend an evening with friends.

Though it kind of turned into a session of Felix telling us about his oh so amazing boyfriend. Seo Changbin. Thought literally nobody asked!

"Ughh this stupid cow is in my way!" Felix stops his speech regarding meeting his boyfriends parents to groan over his soon to be epic loss in Mario kart. The sounds of his desperate clicking on the controller fill the room as he squints at the screen.

"Shouldn't have chosen moo moo meadows then smartass." I mutter as I perfectly time my drifts, leading me to almost lap Jisung. First place was second nature playing with these imbeciles.

Jkjk but I don't mess around when it comes to Mario kart.

"I gave up a while back." Jisung adds with a shrug, half glancing af his phone and half playing the game. "Actually let's talk about the fact Changbin has stopped talking to Chan too." He says mindlessly.

"Wait.... What?" I glance over at the older, suddenly intrigued by the sudden mention of the friend group.

"Yeah." Jisung rolls over to get more comfortable on the blankets laid out across the floor, "He stopped talking to him just like Hyunjin. He still talks to the other two but Chan's officially cut off. What juicy drama right?"

"Mm yeah." Felix agrees, "Changbinnie hyung did say he was getting toxic and he's been acting out of pocket. Changbin might be friends with spawns of satan but he doesn't tolerate it when things go too far." Felix continues, "and I guess he has some sympathy for us after what Chan did, you know?"

"So both of you knew this and didn't tell me?" I give a fake betrayed look while crossing the finish line and securing my win. "Damn guys."

"Changbin was talking about this morning, usually I don't care about them at school." Felix shrugs, though it was very much a lie because Felix was quite the fiend for drama, as is jisung.

"Wait so how do you know?" I slowly turn my head toward jisung, an eyebrow raised. Holiday break had begun so unless he somehow found out through school gossipers how would he-

"Oh Minho hyung told me."


"UHM WHAT?" Felix and I jump up, our eyes bulging in sync as the words our friend just said set in.

Jisung jumps at the sudden noise, looking at us with a confused glare. That is until he realized the word he'd just said and quickly slaps a hand over his own mouth.

"MINHO? YOURE TALKING TO MINHO?" Felix mouth is practically hanging. I frantically nod in agreement because I too was flabbergasted.

"Jeez!" Jisung takes his hand off his mouth, acting non chalant, "I mean sometimes we talk on text and like... call eachother..."

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