Chapter 30 - Cutie cousins

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When I woke the next morning, the first thing on my mind was how dark it was. How there was no sun blinding me, forcing me to move away and fully awaking me from my slumber.

There could only be a few possibilities of this happening.

Number one, i woke up too early and its still before sunrise. In that case, its back into dreamland i go.

Number two, its cloudy as fuck and somehow the sun is nowhere to be seen, weird because I thought the forecast showed sunny for this morning.

Or number three, something was covering the window, perhaps new blackout curtains that my parents installed in the middle of the night?

However, once I let out a groan and finally crack open an eye, I almost let out a squeal. I only noe noticed how the side of my bed was dipped down a bit.

A fourth option?

It was because of a boy sitting there, his legs hanging off the bed, scrolling on his phone with his head facing away. The messy hair was familiar, along with the side profile of the boys perfect nose.


But what was more strange was the hand he had outstretched toward me. His palm hovered above my head, perfectly angled so the beaming sun from window wouldn't hit my eyes.

I blink.

And a smile emerges on my lips.

The thumping of my heart begins, first thing in the morning.

Once reach my hands up to rub my eyes, Hyunjins attention is grabbed. The older turns his head to look over, decorated with a soft upturn of his own lips. "You awake Minnie?"

I nod, the warmth bubbling in my stomach at the idea of the boy sitting beside me as I woke up. The warmth of his care was indescribable.

"H-how long have you been sitting here?" I croak out in my horrible morning voice, cursing at myself for even saying anything.

"Mm.." Hyunjin ponders, "Maybe 10 minutes? I woke up a while ago, but you seemed to be in quite the deep sleep." The older teases, "Maybe even a few snores-"

"I did not snore!" I say in offense, making the older chuckle. The sound of it echoed through my body, as if my mind was replaying it.

"Breakfast is ready Minnie, and your cousins will be over in a bit." Hyunjin says, moving back so I could sit up in my bed, my hair flinging in all directions.


Oh right my cousins are coming!

The two siblings lived with my grandparents in the countryside, this year they were going to visit for the holidays.

My smile only widens as my mood was lifted. Not to mention the fact tomorrow was Christmas, things felt nice.

I enjoyed the soft blush on my cheeks today, and the smile Hyunjin shined at me. I wanted to bury my head and giggle just remembering his hand covering my eyes for 10 minutes, all so I was comfortable.

Hyunjin gets up and makes his way out of my room, letting me get ready to start the day.

Today felt so good that the muscle aches trembling through my body weren't as noticeable. Or maybe it was because I was constantly thinking about the way Hyunjin looked at my lips last night-

I slap my own cheek, "Snap out of it seungmin-ah" I whisper to myself as I open the bedroom door. My hair freshly washed after a nice shower that was full of NO THOUGHTS OF HYUNJIN AT ALL, and my clothes were nice and clean.

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