Chapter 28 - Warmth

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"Yah have some conscious!" I whisper to the older, grabbing onto his arm and glancing in all directions around us, "You can't show up to my friends house like this!"

Hyunjin frowns, tilting his head to the side, "I came to walk you home, it's cold you know?"

"You're acting like I can't walk myself." I snap back, quickly leading us down Felix's driveway and away from his house.

What the hell would i have done if Felix or jisung saw me walk out with Hwang Hyunjin?

This bitch is too risky!

"Well it seems like you can't because you need your Hyunie to walk you to school everyday." Hyunjin playfully smirks, lightly shoving my shoulder in a teasing manner as we begin walking on the sidewalk toward our homes.

"I don't need you!" I huff as if I was offended, "T-that's just because our parents are friends."

"Or because you miss me too much?"

"Watch that mouth of yours Hwang!" I raise a fist playfully, threatening to fake punch him.

The older giggles as he skips next to me, "Are you excited for Christmas Minnie?" He suddenly asks, bouncing up and down.

"Pff." I look him up and down before chuckling, "I would be if you weren't gonna be there."

"What are you talking about! I'm literally the best part of your Christmas!" Hyunjin whines, hitting my shoulder with his fists like a little kid.

I continue to chuckle, "I guess you were the best part when you got coal in your stocking years back. That was very entertaining indeed."

Hyunjin frowns while tilting his head back, "did you really have to bring that up?"

"You were crying for weeks." I point out.

Hyunjin sticks his tongue out at me before turning forward again, "My parents and I are staying over again this year." He changes the subject once more.

I let out a dramatic sigh, "But you guys literally live next door!"

"Well its a tradition!"

"Tradition my ass. I hate having to see your face first thing in the morning."

"We walk to school together everyday, so how is this any different?"

"Ugh you're insufferable." I cross my arms and keep my head facing away from Hyunjin as we keep walking.

Seeing the boy every day of school was enough, but I had to see him even on my break? At this point, it's not even classified as a break anymore.

Hyunjin seemed talkative these days, which would probably make ignoring him hard this year. In fact, I still don't understand why he decided to walk me home today.

"Don't you know how bad it'd be if Felix or jisung saw you earlier?" I suddenly ask the older, my mind still angry at the fact.

"Mmm no?" He says innocently.

"What do you mean no?! It's clear we can't be seen together! What if people get the wrong idea and think we're friends!" I point out, completely confused at why the older was taking it so lightly.

"I don't think it's a big deal. So what if Felix and jisung find out?" Hyunjin calmly states.

"I-I'd get teased endlessly! Plus what if they told someone and people start making fun of you or something-"

"Minnie." Hyunjin suddenly stops in his tracks, reaching his arm out to place a hand on my shoulder, "Haven't I made it clear that I don't care?"

"B-but you should!"

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