Chapter 20 - Hangover

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Usually, I wake up to the natural sounds of birds  chirping, the sun peaking through the curtains, and the smell of pancakes from the kitchen. You know, the classic. Your default idea of a morning.

I guess that's on the non schooldays when I don't wake up to a blaring alarm while it's still dark outside. But I digress.

So those were the only two options right, and there was comfort in that. I mean it's not like i was going to wake up to like a monster under the bed, or like a demon in my closet, or.. I don't know.. Hwang Hyunjin yelling in my bedroom.



Before I even know it, I'm off my bed, jolting out of my slumber. With my eyes still half closed I jump up to the voice, immediately placing my hand over its mouth.

Only for another, this time muffled, "WHAT THE FUCK." To echo through the room. A third option now being added to ways I could wake up

And now, I'm wide awake.

Hyunjin was infront of me, his hair messy and he was still wearing the same clothes as the day before. We stood in the middle of my bedroom, the blanket of my bed now on the floor from the sudden yell.

"Shut your mouth my parents are home." I whisper out, my voice groggy as I just woke up, and my hand tightly clutching his mouth to shut him up.

Hyunjins eyes were wide as they darted back and forth. I finally let go of his mouth as I lead him to sit down on my bed again.

Memories of the previous night came flooding back to me as the reality of this situation set in. Especially when Hyunjin mutters out the words, "why... why did I just wake up in your bed?"

Ah your classic scenario. Hyunjin probably doesn't remember anything does he? I mean he was quite wasted- well actually he was definitely wasted.

Only to confirm my observation, Hyunjin hunches over with a loud groan, gripping his head on both sides, "holy shittttt how much did I drink!?" He closes his eyes tightly, baring the pain to his consequences.

Once my own head stops spinning, I grab the water bottle on my bedside and hand it to the older, who gladly accepted it.

"You drank a shit ton Hyunjin-ah." I scoff, watching the older gulp down the water like no tomorrow.

"What the hell happened...?" Hyunjin mumbles as he continues to writhe in pain.

I take a breath, "well I found you literally wasted at changbins place and I tried to get you sobered up. But then I just got an Uber and brought us back to my place." I explain, leaving out some key details that I couldn't bare to say out loud.

"Oh." Hyunjin mutters, "Shit I don't remember anything." He groans while looking around the room, still in a daze.

I try to ignore the pang on my heart at the fact he didn't remember our moment together. For the first time, I felt a weird type of way, and I was hoping he would share that feeling with me. But he forgot it all, and that kiss only happened because he was drunk.

Nothing more nothing less.

"Youre lucky I brought your ass to my home, you would've gotten beat if your parents found out you were at a party." I huff, trying to prove my extremely kind gesture, which I was totally drunk while doing.

"oh yeah." Hyunjin pulls out his phone, squinting at the time, "thanks for that Minnie." He looks up at me, flashing a endearing smile.

For some reason, a small blush decorated my cheeks. Why does everything he say have a weird impact on me? It's like... my hearts beating so fast.

"I-I'll get you some pills." I quickly stutter out, getting up off the bed and to my dresser, looking around to find some kind of hangover relief.

"Minnie did I act weird last night?" Hyunjin asks, sitting back with his hands resting on my bed, "Like was I drunk drunk?"

"I meant it when I said you were wasted." I roll my eyes, fishing around in the drawers.

"Damn really?"


"Did I kiss someone this time?"

The bottle I had manage to find slips right out of my hand as I freeze. Those words coming out his mouth sent chills down my spine. It felt too real.

But he didn't remember anything right?

I quickly gather my composure to make sure my voice doesn't sound suspicious, "Uhm I don't know? Nobody that I-I know of.."

"Oh good." Hyunjin breaths out in relief, "I dont want the fiasco from two years ago to repeat heh."

"Yeah." I mumble, surprisingly engaging in a normal conversation with him, that didn't end in a fight or start in one. I walk over and hand Hyunjin the pill bottle, along with the cup or water he already had.

"Thanks Minnie." Hyunjin sends me a sweet smile, fighting the pain that overwhelming his head.

"Yeah yeah." I take a seat next to him, the room was still dim as it was the early hours of the morning. I don't know how Hyunjin was going to make it through the school day but I let out a sigh. "Okay the plan is simple. You gotta sneak out to your house and change into your uniform and come back like it's a normal morning."

Hyunjin nods his head while staring off at a random spot on the floor, "Sneak into my house, change, come back, and act normal. Got it!"

To be fair, this weird hungover Hyunjin was kind of cute too. It was nice not having the boy tease every singular thing I've said.

The boy slowly rises from the bed, his eyes still droopy from sleep. He puts the glass down and begins to open the bedroom door, ready to walk out.

From where I was sitting I could see his side profile. Even in the morning, he had these undeniably handsome looks. His high nose bridge and sharp features... and his lips.

Thank god it was the early hours of the morning and too dark to see the permnanent blush lingering on my cheeks.

There was absolutely no way I could bring last night up to him. No way at all.

I mean we did just share a quick kiss, nothing went further than that... but still. We kissed. Me and Hyunjin.

Let's just forget about it and move on.

"W-wait Hyunjin-ah!" I quickly get up and move to the boy by the door, he turns to me with a confused face.

I just breath for a few seconds, staring at him as we stood less than a foot apart. "I-i uhm be careful so you don't wake up everyone okay?"

Hyunjin smiles again, "yeah of course I would dumbass" He scoffs, "it's not like I exactly want to get double grounded."

I send him a glare with a clear eye roll, but Hyunjin just chuckles again. I take a step forward and reach a hand up, hesitating mid air before finally grabbing a strand of Hyunjins hair, patting it down. "Just.. get yourself together before anyone sees you Hyunjin, and get some more pills."

"Mhm." He says brightly, before his lips form a smirk, "And I prefer Hyunie rather than Hyunjin, you should keep that in mind." Hyunjin sends a last smile before walking out of my bedroom door.

I don't know how I was supposed to face him again in less than an hour.

Sorry I'm a wee bit late yall
Hope you enjoyed!

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