Chapter 9 - For a second time

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"You probably hit my nose when we were fighting earlier asshole!" I yell out with a naseled tone. My nositrils had tissues stuck up when while my head was tilted back.

Hyunjin paces around the bathroom, the detention teacher had let us go when she saw the blood dripping down my face, I guess it wasn't what she was expecting to see in her boring shift. So the two of us ended up in the male feces and urine extraction room, a panicked Hyunjin and a bleeding me.

"Fuck fuck fuck! Moms gonna kill me!" Hyunjin runs a hand through his hair for the hundredth time. His breathing was loud enough for the classroom next door to probably hear. "Ugh your stupid ass nose is gonna get me grounded!"

I wasn't thinking clear enough to listen to whatever Hyunjin was blabbering on about.

I just had a nosebleed. For the first time in a year.

There's no way this could be...

I felt tears push on my eyes as my head was kept tilted back. Deep down, I knew this couldn't mean good. These symptoms, were getting to real.

"Minnie please don't tell my mom please! I'll do your homework! I won't fight for a whole month please!" Hyunjin suddenly starts begging and clasps his hands together, pleading at my side.

"You shouldn't have hit me so hard then." I scoff at the begging boy beside me. I felt guilty for making him feel like it was his fault this was happening. I knew that wasn't the reason. But he couldn't know. Definitely not him.

Hyunjin sends me a scowl as he straightens up, "I didn't know you would start pouring out blood!" He steps closer to me, reaching out a hand out toward my face with a gross expression, probably to replace the now blood soaked tissues in my nostrils.

His hand suddenly stops as he looks at me, "Wait... are you crying again?"

Shit. I didn't even realize a few tears had begun to slip past my eyelids. I quickly turn my head away and swipe the tears away with my thumb.

Hyunjin stands behind me with wide eyes, "Does it hurt that much? Shit im sorry Seungmin I didn't mean to hurt you that bad-"

"shut. your. mouth."

I was simply not going to comprehend the fact this is the second time I've cried in front of this asshole in the past few days.

I shut my eyes tightly before picking up my things and beginning to walk out the bathroom, "Don't mention this ever again." I mutter out before leaving the dumbfounded ravenette standing in the bathroom.

Novemember 9th 9:23am

"Hello? Is anybody inside that handsome head?" Felix knocks at the side of my face, his head tilted while trying to get my attention.

The three of us were sitting at Felix and Is desk before school started. Jisung had come to join us even though he was in a different class, he wanted to take advantage of the times he could be with us.

"Huh?" I blink rapidly, pulling myself out of my thoughts. I turn to the twins beside me with a convincing smile. "What's up?"

"Yeah no." Jisung hops off from his spot sitting my desk. "Something happened. Speak up bitch."

Felix nods in agreement, the two putting their full attention toward me as I stare back. I boring roll my eyes, "Nothing happened."

Just then, a group of boys walk theough the classroom doors, their presence making jisung fake gag.

Lee Minho. Hwang Hyunjin. Seo Changbin, and Bang Chan.

I quickly divert my eyes to my hands, keeping my head low. There was absolutely no way I could face two of the people in that group.

I felt stares into my back all of that class period. I couldn't focus. What would I say if Chan comes up to me to talk?

He probably doesn't want to ever talk to me anyway right?

He hadn't texted me since and I... don't know if I would've responded if he had.

This wasn't what I expected for our relationship to turn into, maybe I had a small thing for him, but it's becoming all too real and I think that kiss has really shifted everything.

Along with... Chan's words.

Don't think I'd just forget everything he said. I don't want to be with someone who clearly talks down like that.

And how did Hyunjin even know about me and Chan!?

Oh don't even get me started on Hyunjin.

He has seen me cry not once- but TWICE in the span of like three days.

What the actual fuck is happening to me?

Did I do something to upset god? I'm sorry I guess?

wait maybe I should apologize to Hyunjin. I feel kind of bad for making him think he's the one who injured my nose. But who am I kidding? He deserved it!

Unless he didn't. What if he didn't put that one in my locker and he wasn't bluffing? I mean he did kind of help me when I was crying. He tried to help with my nose bleed, and he was kind of being less insufferable lately.

But I still hate him.

Especially since he got us both into detention.

I didn't want to hear his voice today at all, it would simply be too embarassing.

I was silently praying he wouldn't tell a single soul about the nose bleed or me crying. He could use this as blackmail till the end of time but he better not tell anyone.

I mean it Hwang. This time I won't be interrupted mid slap.

Holy shit, I gotta start doing some anger management practice.

Anyways, I don't even want to think about the nosebleed.

I don't want to consider how it was my first nosebleed in months.

And what it could possibly mean.

I feel guilty the more I hide these things. I'm sure if I told my parents they would yell at me for not telling them sooner.

I know they would immediately drag me to the hospital to get a check up.

But I don't want all that trouble. They are finally getting happier. They're finally moving on.

Who am I to take that away from them?

But they're gonna know eventually right?...

There's no way they won't.

I have appointments every few months in remission. They're gonna know.

Things always come full circle, all of my diary entered end up being the same. Always about this stupid disease that's consumed me.

What am I going to do when they find out?

Fuck I don't want to ruin their lives all over again. Everything's been so good lately.

My older brother, Wonpil, is going to come home soon too. Everyone's happy.

I can't ruin that. I can't ruin my parents happiness.

Especially when they are finally back to smiling.

Guys how do we feel?

Where do we think the plots leading?

I'm really enjoying writing this story since I've had all the chapters planned out for a while, it feels much smoother.

Also I got to learn the Chaconne dance yesterday and my love for that song is as strong as ever. Stream chaconne by Enhypen guys it's actually muy delicioso

I love how I was writing this and chaconne started playing. It's my song fr guys it's my song

Hope you enjoyed!

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