Chapter 26 - Oddinary

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"Uh are we just gonna let this happen?" Felix whispers across the table to jisung, who was devouring his half eaten sandwhich.

Our eyes drift to my left where the older sits, quietly eating his school sandwich without a care in the world.

All three of us turn to eachother, the most puzzled looks on our faces. Nobody else around us seemed to notice, in fact where was Minho, Chan and changbin?

And why the hell was Hwang Hyunjin sitting next to me at our lunch table?

"Pstt!" Felix whisper yells, trying to catch my attention. He side eyes Hyunjin, covering the side of his mouth and pointing toward him dramatically. "Do something."

It seemed like all of us were tensed because this entire conversation had been whispers, even though Hyunjin could probably still hear everything.

"what am I supposed to do!?" I counter, keeping my voice low while I send the older another look.

"Something! Talk to him! He walked in with you this morning after all." Jisung adds on, agreeing with Felix and pointing toward Hyunjin.

I let out a sigh, looking between the twins for a moment before feeling defeated. I finally turn my body toward Hyunjin, swallowing my nerves as I finally open my mouth.

"H-hey Hyunjin." I wanted to give up the moment I felt my voice waver. I rarely talked to Hyunjin at school, not to mention sit with him, and that made things even more awkward.

"Hm?" Hyunjin meets my eyes with interest, no hint of awkwardness or that any of this was out of the ordinary.

News flash; it was.

"Where's Chan and Minho and all your other friends?" I ask, in an unsure voice. I mean wasn't I stating the obvious right now?

"My other friends?" Hyunjin scoffs, "They'll be fine without me." He waves off the idea, as if I was just suggesting chicken for dinner and he wasn't craving it.

What the fuck is happening?

"Why didn't you bring Changbinnie hyung then!?-"

Felix's mouth is quickly covered by Jisungs palm along with a loud shush noise and a death stare for his twin. Felix quickly backs down, returning to his slouched position in disappointment.

"So..." I wanted to literally die from this conversation. Considering the fact I had ignored the mere thought of Hyunjin the past week. "Why... are you sitting here then?"

"Because. I wanted to sit with you Minnie." Hyunjin sends me a smile, as if it was the easiest thing to do. The way his smile sent a warm wave through my body made me freeze.

Boy was I glad I was facing away from my friends, because I think my face just lit up.

"B-but you know people are going to talk about you right? You... you should be hanging out with the popular people." I blabber on, still puzzled at this gesture. A part of me warning the older in fear he'd become a victim, especially since he didn't belong at the same table where his friend spilled chocolate milk all over me.

"Mm I know." Hyunjin shrugs, "I told you I don't care." He says in a simple voice before taking another bite of his sandwhich.

I turn my head toward my two friends who looked just as lost as I was, their mouths slightly hanging.

Who was this dude and where the flip is Hyunjin?


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