Chapter 19 - Under the moonlight

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"Stop acting like you've never seen the damn sky before."

"It's soo pretty Minnie." Hyunjin widely smiles and points at the stars, like each one of them were a wow factor. His eyes were half moons in it of themselves.

I had taken Hyunjin around the mansion until we found a empty spot, which just happened to be n unlocked balcony on the second floor.

Changbins pockets were really loaded because the view here was bonkers.

Hyunjin had began to sober up a bit, thanks to the bottles of water I've supplied him, but the boy was still very much out of it. The two of us sat on the concrete with our backs against the wall, looking up at the night sky.

"I guess it is pretty." I smile, taking a better look at the stars infront of us. The skies were completely clear and every twinkling speck littered across it were visible from here.

A few heartbeats of silence pass, the two of us just sitting in each others presence. For once, i didn't feel the need to be grossed out and walk away, or to cuss out the boy, it just felt peaceful.

Hyunjin suddenly lifts his hand, pointing up at the sky, "Minnie look! It's a shooting star." He says excitedly, I glance up to see a shining dot traveling across the sky.

A smile plays my lips at the rare moment, maybe I'd never experience this again.

So I put my hands together and close my eyes, "Make a wish then."

Hyunjin quickly puts his hands together and rubs, his eyes shutting as his mouth mumbles the words, "I wish... I had someone to talk to always."

My eyes slowly flutter open and I look to the boy on my left. His eyes were still closed and his hands stuck together. Everybody knew saying your wish out loud was a stupid move, but the words he said was what mattered.

And I find myself asking, "w-what? What do you mean someone to talk to?"

Hyunjin slowly opens his own eyes and softly smiles, "i just wish I had somebody who would ask about my day, that's all." He says a melancholy voice.

"Hyunjin you have plenty of people who would ask you that." I mumbled out in disbelief.

"Like who?"

"Your parents-"

"They're so disappointed in me for getting in that fight. And I can never confide in them about anything."

"W-well what about at school?"

"You know damn well I can't get personal at school, nobody would like me."

"Yah don't say shit like that!" I huff out, suddenly getting pressed and raising my voice. I almost surprised myself there.

"I.. just wish I had a family like yours." Hyunjin looks at me for half a second before staring off into the night sky, leaning his head back, "I just wish my life was as perfect as yours."

I almost wanted to laugh, "My life is no where near perfect."

Hyunjin turned his head, his eyes sparkled and his face was unreadable, "You have such nice parents and... and a nice brother."

"Hyunjin-ah you are literally the better version of me." I scoff, in disbelief that I even had to state these facts to him, "Better grades, better looks, more game. Everything about you is better."

Hyunjin lets out a small giggle, "really?"

"Yes you dumb ferret."

"why doesn't it feel like that then?"

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