♡ Bive x Split - Marry Me ♡

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There's also going to be some Wallmark because why not, I love them soo..

Here's a little fluff

It's a week before Christmas, and everyone is gathered up in Cardboard Mansion. The walls are glistening with lights, and stockings are hung up on the walls. The tree is up and decked out with lights and ornaments, the star on top completing the whole look. It looked beautiful. This was the only time the Cardboard Mansion ever looked so good.

"alright guys!!!" Poob comes out of the elevator with a box in his hand. The box was purple and had a hole on the top of it. There were papers inside that read different names of everyone.

Split's POV

I was the first to pick out a name. As I reached into the box, I pulled out a slip of crumbled paper. I turned away from everyone so no one could read the paper. I struggle to open it and read the name. Turns out had gotten Bive! This was perfect. I've been wanting to do something special. I hope she'll love it.

Everyone picked out their names. Some of us were excited with who we got, and some of us weren't as enthusiastic. Of course, Poob couldn't go without a party, so he brought a bunch of confetti, sodas, and snacks for everyone. Everyone was having a good time, even Wallter and Mark! I was so delighted to see them get along. It's been away since they ever acted like this.

So how our Secret Santa works is a week before Christmas, we get our victim a present every day and on the last day we reveal ourselves with a big present for them. Sounds fun, right? It really is. I absolutely love giving out gifts. Not as much as Poob, but I still love to do it! I like to see people happy.

3rd Person

Everyone gathered in groups of four and got into the elevator, slowly but surely emptying the mansion. The lights were left lit, and the star on top sparkled beautifully.

Who got who:

Bive - Poob

Split - Bive

Poob - Pest

Pest - Gnarpy

Wallter - Mark

Mark - Wallter

Gnarpy - Infected

Spud - Split

FleshCousin - Spud

Infected - FleshCousin

Day 1: Split's POV

Everyone has been getting great presents! I can't wait to get mine.

I looked into my stockings and found.. socks? Only two? Oh well, who ever got me this at least tried.. I hope. I'm not disappointed, just underwhelmed. They're soft, though, so that's a plus. Oh! I ended up getting Bive some new glasses since she said she needed some more. Her current ones were getting worn out, so I thought that would be a great gift! Speaking of which, she is actually wearing them! They look amazing on her. She looks good in anything, really.

Everyone was opening their gifts, and everything was going great! Christmas is the only time we all really get together and bond. I always love Christmas.

Wallter ended up getting a new scarf, and he looks so... happy. He always has this lifeless look on his face, but he actually looks truly happy for once. Same with Mark. He ended up getting a new hard hat, which it looks like he absolutely adores it. They're both already wearing their gifts! That's how you know that someone truly loves their gift.

Everyone was cleaning up the wrapping paper and throwing it into a bin. Bive came up to me, a big smile on her face.

"Oh my God, look at my new glasses! They're so cute, I love them!" She jumps with joy. Usually, she is cautious when it comes to gifts from unknown people, but I guess she was really looking forward to these glasses, which made me really happy that I got a good gift.

"You look great, honey." I say as I bend down to pick up more trash. Again, everyone got into groups of four and got into the elevator, slowly but surely, clearing out the mansion.

Day 2:

Once everyone arrived, we got straight to the point and started getting out gifts. I ended up getting another pair of socks. And they're the same socks I got last time. I have enough for all my feet now! I put the socks on my feet, and it just so happened that I was wearing the other ones from yesterday since it was really cold this morning. As I slipped them on, the rest of my feet finally felt warm. It was a comforting feeling; like a hug.

I ended up getting Bive a bag so she could finally carry her stuff with her in an easier manner. She usually carries her stuff around manually. Whether I'd be in her hands or her pockets. They were always filled to the brim with stuff, so I thought it was about time I got her a bag so life would be a little easier.

I watched her carefully unwrap it, tearing one piece of wrapping paper off at a time. As she saw what was being revealed, she smiled. SHE SMILED! I was so happy, it was really hard to keep myself from saying it was from me, but I had to remember what my last gift was going to be. I couldn't wait.

___ time skip because I'm impatient, sorry ___

Day 6:

AHHH, TOMORROW IS THE DAY! I hope she'll accept it. I'd actually bawl if she didn't. I've been just getting her some stuff she needs, like the glasses and bag. I also got her some of her detective stuff or whatever, I'm not an expert. I just thought that since she's a detective, she might need the stuff. Anyways, I keep receiving stuff that you'd wear as pajamas. Very random, but they're comfy! I love all the stuff I've been receiving!

I think Mark and Wallter are figuring out who their Secret Santa is because I've seen them give glances at each other. And they're.. love glances? I don't know what to call them, but that's the best I could come up with. I really hope after this they'll get back together. I'm tired of them having beef with each other. From what I've heard, they aren't even good reasons, too. I just hope they start getting along soon because everyone is tired of their whining.

Day 7:

Everyone arrived, gifts in hand. Everyone was standing in a circle, and anticipation filled my body. Nervousness following behind. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was as if I had just ran a marathon. I took deep breaths, walking towards Bive. She gave me a gingerly smile, making my heart flutter. I knew she was the right one.

"I knew it had to be you." She spoke.

I got down on a knee, holding the small black box in front of me. I opened it, revealing what was inside. A small ring was shown.

3rd Person

Bive covered her mouth, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She couldn't believe it. She pulled Split into a tender hug, speaking in sniffles.

"Yes.." She spoke.

Split pulled her face in for a kiss, cheers could be heard from behind them. This just gave Christmas more meaning..

"I love you, Bive."

"I love you too.."


I swear to god I love writing fluff so much

Words: 1235

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