Lampert x Infected - Doctor!

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Sorry it took so long for the pt. 2 for Introduction, I was going through it and have been feeling a lot better, so I'm trying to get back into writing for you all :D

Also don't mind the cars, I just need an excuse for a dramatic car scene hehe

AND Dr. Retro uses words when not around the player, so there will be actual words coming out of her mouth

You all better like this or else I'll find you (how the hell do you write an interesting story about a doctor's appointment???)


Lampert speeds down the road, Infected in the passenger seat holding on for dear life. Lampert was taking the situation a little too seriously, but the truth was he was just scared. He was scared that the disease Infected had was more serious than what he took it to be. The car shook from the rocks below it.

"0mg, sl0w d0wn!!!11!!1 D:>" Infected held into the sides of his seat.

"What if you're in danger, what if this disease could kill you. You've literally been coughing up blood. How do you not take this more seriously?" Lampert gripped the wheel tighter than before. He wanted to cry from the stress this was causing him. 

He soon parks in the parking lot, practically dragging Infected out of the car quickly. He enters the building, asking to see Dr. Retro. Thankfully she wasn't busy, so they got to see her pretty quick.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Dr. Retro says as she puts on her gloves, them snapping against her wrists.

"Infected has been coughing and sneezing up blood. Not only that, but he has seemed weaker and less full of energy... It's been making me worry."

"You have the right to worry. Alright, let's see!" She motions Infected to open his mouth. He obeys and parts his lips. His throat was red and irritated and covered with what seemed to be sores. It was the worst she's ever seen. She takes a cotton swab and carefully swabs his mouth, making sure not to hurt him.

Not only that but he needed to see a dentist. Those energy drinks must be getting to him.

"This is terrible. Why didn't you come sooner?" She said, worried.

"1 just d1dn't th1nk 4nyth1ng of 1t. 1'v3 b33n s1ck pl3nty 0f t1m3s 4nd just th0ught th4t 1t w4s just 4 sm4ll f3v3r <:("

"Honey, you're burning hot. This isn't just an ordinary fever.." She walks over to her computer and presses the keys. The sound of clacking filled the room until Lampert finally opened his mouth.

"I told you that you should see a doctor so many times, you should have listened to me. If you did then maybe it wouldn't be so severe. I can't believe I didn't drag you over her sooner. I should have been more pushy about it." Lampert says, leaning into his hands.

"s0rry, br4h" Infected says as he fidgets with his fingers, he was nervous. He was worried that it was too late.

"So, I'm going to turn this in to test it for anything. If there is nothing then I'll send you on your way with some medicine and you will have to see me every few weeks. If it is something, then you will have to stay here much longer. We don't want it being anything super serious." She says as she continues to click clack on her keyboard like a piano.

____time skip 20 minutes____

Both of them sat silently in their chairs for 20 minutes, anxiously waiting for results. That was when Dr. Retro returned with some papers in her hand. She plopped them down on her desk, sitting down then looking over to Infected.

"I'm sorry to say this, but you have a severe disease that could be fatal."

Lampert could feel his heart practically stop. He started to tear up as he covered his mouth. He started to panic. He huffed and puffed and couldn't catch a breath. Infected rushed over to calm him down, hugging him tight.

"Don't worry though, we caught it just before it hit the deadly mark. We can work through this if he looks after his health better. Maybe lay off the energy drinks, I know how many you drink. I will send him with a prescription to pick up at your local pharmacy and then you both should be set." She said, walking over to Lampert, getting him to calm down some.

"I promise you will get through this, Infected. Everyone gets through the storm at some point. Just don't give up, alright? Do it for Lampert. He clearly needs you." She gave him a soft yet bright smile. His heartbeat started to slow as he felt more calm.

"Now have there been anymore symptoms before you go? I just need to make sure that what you have is true and that I didn't jump to conclusions too fast."

"n0p3!!1! th4ts 1t :D" He said before coughing up a storm. Blood splattered on his hand and onto the floor. Dr. Retro paused.

"Yeah... you're not leaving yet. I didn't know it was so much you were coughing up, no wonder you always feel weak."

"Lay down, I need to see if there is anything going on inside that is making you cough up this much blood." She places two fingers on his stomach, checking for if there was anything out of the ordinary.

"Does this hurt?" She puts pressure on a specific spot, causing him to flinch.

"th4t r34lly hurt" He pushes her hand away out of pain. He then proceeds to poke at it himself.

"0h!!1 1 f0rg0t t0 sh0w y0u th1s :P" He pushes his sleeve up to reveal that he was missing some of his texture. Dr. Retro takes a close look at this, making sure not to come in contact with the mysterious spots for she had no idea what they were.

"When did this happen?" She asked.

"r3m3mb3r wh3n my 4p4rtm3nt, y'kn0w, l0st 4ll 1t's t3xtur3??"

"Yeah..?" She takes a moment to think.

"You touched it, didn't you.." She sighed.

"1 w4s cur10us!!!11!11! <:(" 

"I'm going to have to run some tests on you, to figure out what this disease is that's causing all of this."

"Y'all may leave now, come back tomorrow, we'll discuss some more."

Infected then gets up from the uncomfortable chair only to feel a wave crash on him. He felt extremely lightheaded and his vision began to darken. It was like he was in a tunnel. He then falls to the ground, a loud thump could be heard. What the hell is happening?


woopsie another cliffhanger

I got kinda bored of writing this and need some spice in my life, so if y'all have any suggestions for smuts I could write then PLEASE give them to me cause I would love to write some. I feel that my writing has improved since my first chapter

thank you all for the support, y'all are the best :, )

Words: 1137

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