♡ Pest x Poob - Invited ♡

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this is a smutty smut so yeah


i'm at school right now and i'm typing this on the school chromebook sooo


I have too much time on my hands, sigh..


thank you to all the people who requested this :D


"hey pest :3" Poob came out of the elevator with an envelope in their hands. They practically shoved it into Pest's chest.

"please come, it wuld make me rlly happy!!!" They smile at him, excited.



Poob becomes ecstatic, jumping of joy. This was the third party in a row that he had agreed to go to! Poob brings him into a tight embrace, pushing the air out of Pest's lungs. Pest quickly pushes them away, brushing himself off like they got dirt on him.

"can't wait 2 see u there :D" Poob hops on the train, riding away. Oh boy, what did he agree to...

____ time skip to the party ____

Pest walks into the elevator, wearing his usual attire. He sits there in the elevator with Infected. Oh, Infected.. how much he hated him.

"H3y bR4h1!!1!" Infected waves at Pest, Pest looking the other way.

"wH4ts uP w1Th u, dUd3???" Pest continued to ignore him. He soon stopped trying to make small talk with him. Pest sighed. He couldn't believe he was going to such a party. He only did it for Poob. Weirdly enough, he actually has a bit of a thing for Poob. He just doesn't know how to express it. He has been cold to everybody all his life, he doesn't know how to express such a feeling. He wants to, but just couldn't. That's why tonight he was going to try and make a move. To show Poob how he actually felt.

The elevator dinged, signaling him that he was at the floor. The doors opened to reveal a home filled with lights and confetti. There was a cake on the table for everyone to eat. There was punch and some other snacks. Poob, Infected, Dr. Retro, Mark, Wallter, Split, Bive, and himself. What a random group.

Poob walks up behind Pest, giving him quite the fright.

"u came!!!" They jump, full of excitement.

"wuld u like sum punch??" They hand him a cup of some red liquid. Must be punch.  He thought to himself. Doesn't hurt to have some. He drank some of the mysterious liquid, him being hit with a strong taste of.. alcohol?

"Did... Did you mean to get alcohol?" Pest asked. Poob shook their head. They took a sip and had gotten the same taste.

"o-oh my. no 1 drink the punch!" They run over and grab the bowl, Split already having a cup of it in her hands. She takes a sip and reveals a weird face.

"This punch quite literally 'punched' my taste buds." Poob snatches the cup away from her. They go into his backyard and pour the cups and bowl out into the grass. Gross... Pest didn't mind it too much, but Poob wasn't about to have a bunch of drunk adults in their house. Who knows what they'd do to their poor home.

Pest was about to pull them to the side, but Infected had come over and took his chance. He could feel his blood boil. He really didn't like this Infected guy. He always stole Poob away from him and he is just so annoying. He hated him with a burning passion. Pest walked over and gave Infected a look. He backed up.

"1'm jUSt g01nG t0 G0 t4Lk t0 th3 0Th3rS, Cy4!1!!" He quickly left, leaving the two of them by themselves.


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