☆ Infected x Lampert - Introduction ☆

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Thank you, PurrrRawr and G0_CR4Z7, for the idea :D


Lampert sat on the couch, reading his book. He read quietly until he heard a knock on the door, hopping up from his comfy spot on the couch. He groaned as he walked through the living room and up to the front door. He looked through the peep hole to find Infected standing behind it.

"The hell is he doing here..?" Lampert sighed to himself.

He opens the door and is instantly met with a hug.

"h3y!! :3" Infected practically jumps of joy at the sight of his boyfriend. He squeezes the breath out of him, causing Lampert to push away, huffing and puffing.

"Holy.. when did you start hugging like that?" Lampert playfully hit him on the shoulder.

"i m1ss3d y0u!!!!!" He gives him an energetic smile.

"We literally saw each other yesterday, also, my parents don't know about us, so you should probably leave. I don't think they're ready for you."

"h3y, wh4t d03s th4t m34n? :(" Infected crosses his arms in front of him and turns to face away dramatically.

"just t3ll th3m 4lr34dy, br4h" He walks in uninvited.

"You better wipe your shoes on that damn carpet before I rip you dick off. I don't play in this house." He looked at him agitated.

Infected sneezes into his hand, blood showing up on the palm and just calmly wipes it off with a napkin. Lampert watched in fear at what he did.

"One, sanitize your now filthy hand, and two, why were you not bothered by what came out of your body." Lampert squints his eyes at Infected in a confused yet worried manner.

"0h, th1s 1s n0rm4l f0r m3" He responds.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lampert waits for reassurance.

Infected nods and hugs Lampert tenderly, not letting go until a slam could be heard from behind him. Wallter just spawns out of no where, causing them both to jump out of their skin. Wallter looks down at the both of them, smelling something fishy going on.

"You know I have very good hearing, right? What do you mean by 'they don't know about us', Lampert?" Wallter specifically looks him in the eyes.

"Uhh.. how about we discuss this over dinner, Dad?" He laughs awkwardly.

"Fine, but your little 'friend' has to join us as we have this friendly conversation." Wallter smiles sarcastically before walking away.

"h0ly #### dud3... th1s pl4c3 1s bl4nd 4s h3ll, 1t's 4lm0st s4d" Infected looks around, walking towards the living room first. He plops down on the couch, shoes on the cushions. Lampert could feel his blood boil.

"Feet off the couch please." He says as nicely as he can. Infected obeys, remembering that it isn't his house.

"s0rry br4h" He responds.

Lampert sits down next to him, grabbing the remote.

"What do you want to watch while we wait on dinner?" Lampert says as he scrolls through the different movies.

"h0w 4b0ut.. th4t 0n3!!! >:O" He points at Jaws, making Lampert's skin crawl.

"Okay I guess, not a huge fan of the cover, but I'll just have to endure it." He says as he clicks on the movie.

___ time skip ___

The movie ended and dinner came around. Wallter had cooked dinner and decided to make meatloaf since it was Mark's favorite. He loved his cooking. Infected shifts uncomfortably in his seat as Wallter sets the meal on the table and retreats to his seat.

"So, Infected, what's up between you and my son." Wallter asked sternly.

Lampert sighs before giving away the answer.

"He's my boyfriend, Dad." Lampert turns slightly red. He continues to chow on his food before looking up to see Mark's mouth hung open and Wallter eyeing Infected while drinking his Grey Stuff. Infected could feel his skin crawl. Wallter didn't like Infected very much since he found him quite annoying.

"So, I sure do hope he is treating you well, yes?" Wallter converted his eyes toward Lampert.

"Yes, he treats me very well." A thick cloud of tension could be felt between the two.

"So, Infected, how er' you doin'?" Mark tries to talk sweetly to the nervous Infected.

"k1nd4 unc0mf0rt4bl3, m4n" He scoots his chair away from Lampert, trying to not get involved in Lampert's and Wallter's terrifying stare down.

"You can go on up to Lampert's room if you'd like." Mark gets up from the table to lead Infected to Lampert's room.

Infected nervously bites his nails, hoping Lampert won't get into a full fledged argument over him. He sits down on his bed and stares at the ceiling, waiting for Lampert to return to his room. Screaming could be heard from down stairs, but soon stopped when stomping could be heard near the room. Lampert enters clearly angered.

"I'm so sorry, Infected. My dad doesn't like you very much even though he barely knows you. It's so stupid." Lampert looked stressed and worked up over the whole situation. Infected walks over to Lampert and gives him a tight hug, hoping he might calm down. Infected starts to cough and sneeze, missing texture blood coming up.

"Are you totally sure you're okay? Do I need to take you to Dr. Retro?" Lampert asked, looking at his blood covered palm.

"1'm sur3 1t'll p4ss :D" Infected smiles unbothered.

"Okay, just please don't hurt yourself okay? Also, your nose is bleeding." Lampert grabs him a napkin, handing it to him. Infected stuffs it up his nose quickly before it could hit the ground and his clothes.

"th4nks" He feels fine until he is hit with a wave of dizziness, quickly feeling light headed. He sits down on the bed.

"n0w th4t h4sn't h4pp3nd b3f0r3.." He holds his head, feeling his world spin.

"Yeah, I'm going to take you to Dr. Retro right now."



big thanks to everyone sending me request, it's really helpful :, )

Words: 939

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