☆ Wallter x Mark - Stood Up ☆

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Wallter sat in his chair, nervous. He and Mark were supposed to have dinner, but he was already 5 minutes late. Wallter bounced his leg, anxious. He keeps himself planted till the waiter comes around.

"What may I get you today?" The waiter smiled at him.

"I'm actually about to leave. He didn't come..." He mumbles the last sentence. Wallter gets up and tips the waiter anyway before leaving. As he hops onto the elevator, he gets a notification from his ifone thinking it is Mark, but it was just a stupid Amazing notification telling him his package had arrived.

He stands in the elevator, on the brink of tears. This was supposed to be an important night, a night where he and Mark finally got to go out by themselves and be alone together. Maybe even possibly bond more. His vision blurs as salt drops of water rain from his eyes. He couldn't believe he got stood up again.. Mark had promised it wouldn't happen again, but here he is, bawling his eyes out on his way back home. The elevator dings as it gets to Pilby's floor, Wallter quickly drying his cheeks.

Pilby smiles at him.

"Oh, why so sad, Wallter..?" They ask softly.

"It's just Mark.. We were supposed to get dinner tonight, and he didn't come." He begins to cry again.


" No, no, please don't apologize. Does one need a hug?" Pilby opens his arms and gives Wallter a soft smile. Wallter let's Pilby embrace him.

"I'm here for you Wallter, please don't cry." Pilby then begins to cry too, them being an impressionable being.

"Sorry, I just do this when someone else is sad." They sniffle in between words.

"It's okay. I don't mind." Wallter pulls away and smiles down at them.

"Thank you, Pilby."

"You're most welcome.." They return to their usual sad resting face until it gets to Wallter's stop. He waves Pilby goodbye and hops off the elevator.

He opens the door to find the house feeling empty until he hears talking upstairs.

"You feeling okay, Lampert?" One voice says with worry in their voice.

"Yeah... I've just been feeling gross all day, ughh.."

Wallter walks up to the room to see Lampert and Mark talking. Mark smiles at Wallter, but Wallter turns away from him, clearly agitated. He steps down the stairs, past the living room, and into the kitchen where he finds his can of Grey Stuff.

"What's got your tits in a twist, Wallter?" Mark's voice could be heard from behind him. He ignored it and walked away over towards the couch and plopped down, exaughsted.

"Come on, talk to me.." He says sweetly.

"You forgot."

"What..?" Mark replies.

"You forgot about dinner. You fucking stood me up." He opens the can and chugs it.

"Oh.." Mark looks away.

"I was taking care of Lampert, Wallter. He's been feeling sick all day, and if I wasn't here, then I don't know if he would have made it through the day."

"You baby him too much, the kid's got to learn to toughen up. He definitely won't make it if he needs Daddy's help to get him through a small fever." Wallter rolls his eyes.

"We can go out another time, honey. I promise I'll show up that time."

Wallter begins to clutch his fist.

"That's what you said the last time, but here we are. I can't ever trust you with anything."


It's night, and I'm tired, so this is the most you're getting today 😔

There will definitely be a part two to this sooner or later.

I have a bunch of school assignments to get through, too, so yeah.

Words: 617

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