♡ I've missed you - Family Bonding ♡

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Thank you, G0_CR4Z7, for the idea! I took it and kinda made it super sweet on accident, my bad "3. I hope you like it anyways. If you want I can make another one but funnier, I just want to make you happy hehe

The room was filled with booming music, rumbling the floor every beat. People were everywhere, having a blast. The place was crowded with multiple people, suffocating Wallter as he walked through the sea of people.

"God damn, why did so many people show up to this stupid party? And is that..." He squints his eyes to see across the room.

"Mark?!" Mark and him had recently gotten into a serious fight that might have gotten a little physical. Wallter clenches his fist in anger to see him. He has had a big problem with Mark skipping out on things that would help the both of them bond. He's skipped dinner, trips, etc. It's torn their family apart. The fights, they get worse every time. Not only does it affect them, but it has also been affecting Lampert.

He storms through the crowd to reach the other side where Mark is. He squeezes through, receiving complaints from the people he might have accidentally shoved. He didn't care though, he cared about having a little "talk" with Mark.

"Oh.. erm.. Hey, darlin'?" Mark was nervous for the argument was still heated as of that day.

"Hello, Mark. Why aren't you at home taking care of Lampert? You knew that I wasn't going to be back till late tonight. Why did you come?" He said sternly, Mark being visibly full of fear and regret.

"The kid is old enough to take care of himself, honey. It isn't too long till he turns 20." Wallter brushed it off.

"You know I worry for him, right? That's why I told you to stay home with him. What if someone breaks in? What if he gets kidnapped?" Wallter says, worry filled his eyes.

"Then why didn't ya stay with em'. If ya worry so much, why not be there for em'. Ya always think the worst will happen to him if he's alone for one night." Mark crosses his arms and turns away. People started turning towards them as they were talking pretty loud.

"I came here to loosen up, god damn it. I didn't want to be around YOU for just the night. I wanted to go out somewhere by myself. With you and or Lampert always sticking to me, it gets annoying. I love you both, I really do, but I just came here to get away. That's why I told you to stay at home with him." He sighs

"Why didn't I stay home with him? That's because he doesn't like me as much as you. If anything, he looks up to you as his idol. It bothers me that he rarely hangs out with me and when we do talk, it always ends in a fight." He begins to tear up, his quivering.

Mark walks towards Wallter and gives him a hug, even if he knew he didn't want it. Wallter responds with embracing him back, making Mark feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He never thought that he felt that way. He never thought about how little Lampert and Wallter hung out together nowadays. They use to be so close when Lampert was younger.

Poob walked up behind them, tapping on Wallter's shoulder. He turned arounud, his face drenched in tears.

"oh.. could u both maybe do this outside? it's kind of disturbing evryone... srry" They lead them to the exit of the building, waving them goodbye and wishing them a better night.

They walk out, an awkward silence taking over. They both hop into the elevator together, glancing at one another.

"Wallter?" Mark asked. Wallter gave him the cold shoulder, making Mark feel a bit bad. Did the whole situation hurt him this badly? Maybe when they got home they could resolve the whole thing. Maybe Mark could fix what was breaking Wallter down. Just maybe...

They arrive at their stop, Wallter quickly walking out, but was held back by someone grabbing his hand. Mark brought his hand towards his chest, looking at him with sympathetic eyes.

"We just need a family day, don't we..? Like the old times?" Wallter nodded in response, bringing his hand down to his side, still grasping Mark's hand. He smiled at Mark, wiping his face with his sweater's sleeve.

"How about we go to Squishy's?" Mark recommended. He smiled at Wallter after he received a positive answer. Being his overly cocky self, gives Wallter a kiss, making him turn red. It was like they were teenagers again. Mark being a little too confident and Wallter being the easily flustered one.

They walk inside to be greeted by their son, Lampert. He was on the phone with Infected, talking about possibly going out some time.

"Guess what!" Mark ran up to Lampert, disrupting his phone call.

"Hold on... What's up?" He replied.

"We ar' going to Squishy's tomorrow! Wallter n' I thought that we all needed a day together."

"Lampert, I just thought we could bond a little more. It's been forever since we had a good time together. I know Squishy's sounds kind of childish, but I'm sure it'll be fun. You can invite whoever you want to come with you if it makes you feel any better." Wallter gave him a sweet grin.

"I think the point of this is for the family to bond. I'll just pick you both to go with me." He gave Wallter and Mark a hug, causing Wallter to tear up a bit. He had a headache from how much he's cried, but he didn't care. He was happy to be embraced for the first time in forever by his son.

"I've missed you, Lampert." Wallter says warmly.

"I missed you too, Papa.."

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