☆ Infected x Lampert - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out ☆

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Fluff :D


"Hey, thanks for letting me stay over." Lampert smiled at Infected. He asked to come over since his parent's arguing started to get bad again, and he just needed a breather from the toxic environment.

"n0 pr0bl3m0 :D" Infected leads Lampert to his room. Lampert gasped in awe. This was probably one of the coolest rooms he's been in. There were led lights on the ceiling, and skateboards hung from the walls. There were posters everywhere, and his bed looked so comfortable. He even had a huge TV in his room. Not only that but a computer?! Lampert could only think about how boring his room was with the grey walls and black covers on his bed with no decorations whatsoever.

"Woah, you have such a cool room!" Lampert invites himself in out of pure excitement. Of course , Infected didn't mind since it was his significant other. He was kind of surprised that Lampert hadn't seen his room sooner because of how long they've been in the relationship.

"y34h, k1nd4 k00l10" He stood with his hands on his hips, feeling 10 feet tall.

"Can I..?" Lampert points at the bed, wondering if he could lay down on it. He didn't want to do anything without Infected's permission and get in trouble.

"g0 4h34d br4h!" He smiles as Lampert, making him feel butterflies. He hops onto the bed, instantly melting into the blankets and pillows. He felt at home, like this was where he was meant to be. He closed his eyes and took in the comfort. He feels Infected jump onto the bed, causing him to snap out of his daydreaming.

"s0 h0w d0 u l1k3 1t??"

"It's amazing! I love it here already!" Lampert lifts himself up, looking happier than ever. Infected couldn't help but smile at him. It felt nice knowing that he was having a good time.

Infected reaches for the remote, turning on Netflix to watch whatever was on. They ended up trying out Scott Pilgrim vs. The World since they heard it was really good. Lampert gets comfortable up against Infected, leaning on his arm slightly.

"n0 w4y 4r3 w3 w4tch1ng th1s w1th0ut sn4cks!!! >:O" Infected gets up, running towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later, he comes back with chips, popcorn, and sodas. Lampert was overwhelmed with the number of snacks he brought. Usually, he just sat down and ate a small bag of popcorn from the pantry, but Infected had a family size bag of chips and a whole bowl of popcorn. It really was amazing here.

Infected sits back down, placing the bowl of popcorn in Lambert's lap and setting the chips down in front of him.

"dr. p3pp3r or c0k3?" Infected asked him.

"Hmm.. Dr. Pepper should be fine." Infected hands the can of Dr. Pepper to Lampert, it already opened, so Lampert didn't have to struggle with opening it himself. You see, Lampert hates the sound of cans opening, so it keeps him from doing it himself, which means he prefers to have someone else open it for him, not because he's lazy.

Lampert gladly takes the drink from his hand. Infected clicks the play button, starting the movie.

Lampert shifts himself closer to Infected as much as he could without spilling the popcorn. He secures himself on Infected's shoulder, making him slightly blush.

___ time skip ___

Lampert ended up falling asleep a little towards the end of the movie. Infected scoots down next to him, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"g00dn1ght, l4mp3rt X3"

He smiles down at the sleeping lamp, soon joining him in his slumber.

Even when Lampert is going through tough stuff, there is a light that never goes out.

Even when Lampert is going through tough stuff, there is a light that never goes out

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omg istg fluffs are so fun to write, like silly little goobers just cuddling and giving each other kisses is just.. UGHH I WANT TO SQUEEZE THEM

(sorry if this is a little short, no one has been giving me requests, so I'm just having to pull stuff out of my ass 😭😭 )

Words: 676

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