Chapter 1

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Lena was at Catco when she got the news. More precisely, Lena watched as Supergirl was thrown off a building and pummeled in the middle of the street on live television with the rest of her staff. She froze in her spot, tears in her eyes, jaw tightened, hands in tight fists at her side. She will be fine. She will be fine. She has to be fine. Get ahold of yourself. Your employees cannot pick up on your distress right now.

The newscaster on the TV talked over the scene, "It looks like Supergirl is being rushed off site. No news on her current condition. It seems like her opponent fled the scene shortly after it was flooded by federal agents. We will continue to provide coverage as we learn more."

Lena took a deep breath, stabilizing her voice, "Everyone, go home. Make sure your loved ones are safe and well. We will pick up tomorrow and run a story once more is known."

The employees didn't question her. They hurried to leave at the behest of their new boss. Lena returned to her office to gather herself and her belongings. She called her pilot to have the helicopter land at Catco and take her to the 'secret' DEO headquarters. The streets were a mess. Lena knew it was over the top and unnecessary, but it was going to be a hell of a lot faster than getting stuck in traffic.

After all her employees left the building, Lena went to the roof. She always hated flying, but she hated it even more so after Lex's attempt on her life. The time that Supergirl saved her. The time before Lena knew Kara was Supergirl, and before she started dating National City's hero. She gripped her seat tightly until they landed on the DEO roof. Immediately, it was swarmed by agents with weapons drawn. Once they recognized the passenger, they led her straight to the med bay. While the agents didn't know they were dating, they knew that Lena had saved Supergirl in the past from Kryptonite poisoning.

Lena barged into the operating room like she owned the place. Alex didn't even look up. She could tell who it was. "Lena, not right now. I have to focus."

"How bad is she?" Lena shed her blazer and rolled up her sleeves, approaching the table that has an unconscious Supergirl. She was completely covered in dried blood, cuts, bruises. Lena took a sharp inhale at the sight.

Alex looked up at Lena with tired and sad eyes. "It's bad. I- I don't know-"

"No, don't even put it out in the universe. We are going to save her. Tell me what you know."

Alex went through all the test results so far, explaining what she was in the middle of doing. Lena automatically jumped in to run more tests in the lab. She only ever trusted her own results, and maybe Alex's. Kara's cells weren't holding the energy from the yellow sun. They were depleted and not returning, despite being practically baked under the largest yellow sun lamps they have to offer. No, she can't end like this. We can't end like this. She has to pull through. You have to apologize. You have to make sure she knows how much you love her. That can't be the last conversation you have with her. You have to make it up to her.

Alex pulled Lena out of her thoughts. "Anything new? Any ideas?"

"No. Did you get her stable?"

"Yes and no. I patched her up like I would a human, but she isn't healing. Her heart rate and bp are slowly decreasing. If we don't come up with something-"

"No, Alex, no. She's not allowed to die." Lena's tears spilled out without her consent. She angrily wiped them away and moved into the operating room to examine the love of her life. Thankfully, Alex didn't follow.

Lena let out a sob. "Kara. Darling, I don't know if you can hear me." Lena held Kara's hand and smoothed out her blonde tresses with her other. "You can't go. You can't leave me. You can't d- die. Come back to me, love. Please, come back to me." The tear stricken CEO leaned down and kissed Kara's forehead.

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