Chapter 8

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The couple spends the day lounging around, never far from each other. Actually, the only time that they are physically separated is when one of them has to use the restroom. Barring that, Lena keeps her hand on Kara's arm or back. Kara keeps her hand on Lena's thigh or neck. Both are so drained that they nap on and off, occasionally talking about nothing. Sometimes, one of them starts to silently cry, and the other is quick to provide comfort.

Currently, they are out on the balcony so Kara can soak up more sun. Lena has her wrapped up in her arms as they lay on the chaise lounge together. Kara's sniffles as tears slip down her face, and Lena moves to scratch calmingly at Kara's scalp. Her other arm tightens around Kara's waist. She places light kisses on the side of that blonde head and just lets her fiancé feel. It pains Lena of course, that she can't make this go away. It's nothing she can fix. Lena can only be there for her.

Kara leans heavily into the woman behind her, reassured by her physical presence that this is real. This isn't just a dream. She is here. She is alive, and she is with Lena. Lena's okay. She repeats this thought obsessively to try to calm herself. Her arms are wrapped around herself with her hands reaching to hold onto Lena. Those blue eyes are squeezed shut as her body shakes with quiet sobs.

Lena cannot stop her instinct to try to soothe the woman. She does her best to let Kara process in silence, but she can't stop herself. She whispers between calm kisses, "You're right here with me, darling. We are both okay. You're awake, and I've got you."

Kara can only nod her head in jerky movements to show that she understands; she knows.

"I'm right here, baby. Is there anything more I can do?"

"N-no," Kara manages to mumble. "'s 'nough."

"Oh, darling. It'll never be enough. Not in my eyes. I will do whatever I possibly can for you. I'll take over the world just to end war and poverty and famine if it means you won't have to be in danger."

Kara stiffens slightly in Lena's arms. Lena just squeezes her a bit tighter for a moment to provide some comfort.

"I know, I know. I won't pull a Luthor. Although, I'd like to think I would be less genocidal and more benevolent." When Kara doesn't relax, Lena lets out a deep breath when she realizes what Kara is thinking. "Oh sweetie, I would never ask you to hang up your cape."

Kara practically melts back into her love. She's still apprehensive, but she's so grateful that Lena can practically read her mind. The sobs slow, but the tears still trickle down her face.

Feeling the woman relax, Lena nuzzles her nose down to bury her face in Kara's neck. She places little kisses on that tan shoulder before continuing. "I get scared when you're hurt. That will never go away. But trust me, I know what you do is important to both you and to the world. I would love to be able to ask you to stop, but I could never do that. And while I would love to pretend it's solely because people need you, the bigger reason is because I could never ask you to strip yourself from your identity. So instead, I will promise to always patch you up when you get hurt. I will always comfort you and be there for you on the bad days. I will always help you celebrate the good. And most importantly, I will always be on your side and protect you as best as I can."

Kara bursts into fresh tears at the speech with a wet giggle. She cranes her neck to do her best to face Lena and kiss her on her cheek.

"Damnit. That sounded like I should have wrote that down and saved it for the wedding vows..." Lena grumbles with a tiny smile. "I guess I will just have to come up with something more romantic."

Lena turns her face towards Kara's so their foreheads rest against each other. Kara leans in and traps Lena's bottom lip between her own. She can taste the salt from her tears, but she can still undeniably taste Lena. When they break the kiss, Lena chases Kara to place a couple more light pecks on those soft lips.

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