Chapter 7

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The women lay with each other. Their hands wander innocently, just trying to feel each other as much as possible. They lay in silence, taking comfort in hearing each other's breathing, watching each other. Lena laces her fingers in Kara's. Her thumb stretches across those bruised knuckles to rub the engagement ring. While green eyes stare lovingly at the ring, blue eyes gaze on that dopey smile on Lena's face.

"I- I know my proposal was a little rushed..."


"No, please. Let me finish, Kar. It was rushed. I needed to ask you the moment you were awake. It's all I could think about while- while you were... Well, anyways. I had a big speech planned. And a part of that speech was to tell you that I'd be more than happy to exchange bracelets at the wedding ceremony instead of rings. But I need you to tell me more about your traditions. I know it's meant to be handmade, but I want to know the details to make you the perfect bracelet. Would you tell me more?"

Kara smiles at the woman. She can see the apprehension in Lena's eyes and facial expressions. She smiles even more, knowing that her love hates not knowing everything. Kara's chest could burst with how much love and adoration she is feeling for this woman. Kara pulls up Lena's hand that is still intwined with hers and kisses it. She can feel the tears welling in her eyes. "Thank you, Lee. You are the most understanding and amazing person I have ever known. Of course I will tell you more about them."

Lena lets out a sigh of relief. She doesn't know why she was so nervous to ask Kara about it. Maybe because she felt like she should have figured it out on her own, should have planned it as a big romantic gesture, but a little voice in her head reminds her that a Luthor and a Super are stronger together.

"So, the bracelets are to be handmade. They can be of any type of metal, but the colors need to be a unique combination. I'll have to cross check and log them in the matrix because no one can duplicate that color combination. We can't show each other the bracelets until the ceremony calls for it. In that regard, it is very much like Earth customs. The exchange is an oath. A-and I know I've told you this before, but Kryptonians... our marriages are permanent. There are no divorces... There are no annulments... Our bond even goes from this life and into the next. If- if that changes..."

"Darling, darling. Breathe. It changes nothing for me. I want to be bound to you for the rest of my life. And while I don't necessarily believe in an afterlife, if there is one, I want to be with you there, too."

Kara leans forward and captures those perfect lips with her own. It is long and slow and sweet. With a quiet smacking of their lips, they separate but stay just millimeters apart.

"Can I make a request about the bracelets?"

Kara nods slightly, making their noses brush against each other.

"My- my mother... not Lillian... my biological mother is from Ireland. I- I looked into my family tree and my family history. My Irish roots lead back to the Viking era. Can we make the bracelets like Viking oath armbands? Instead of a clasp, you squeeze the metal to close further to keep it from slipping off your wrist. It stays on permanently that way. W-would that be alright?"

Kara's smile only gets brighter. "I love it. It's the perfect union of our cultures."

This time Lena is the one who leans in to steal another kiss. "Thank you."

"I think we should make this our color scheme. What do you think?" Kara holds up her hand to look at the beautiful ring again.

"I- I didn't even realize when I had the ring made."

"Just shows how perfect you are. I love it so, so much."

Lena lets out another sigh in relief.

Kara's brows furrow. "Did you think I wouldn't like it?"

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