Chapter 20

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"I don't want to hear it, Kara," Lena mumbles when the blonde comes in the room. Lena gives her the side eye with a tight frown, "And you shouldn't be on your leg."

"Sit with me?" Kara asks gently. She hobbles over to the bed and plops down heavily. She watches as Lena shuffles back and forth, back and forth. She notes that Lena's hands are practically white with how tight she's gripping her own biceps. "Lee, you can't ask me to leave without you."

Fiery green eyes threaten to incinerate Kara. "I'm not asking. I'm telling."

"And I can't let Lex get ahold of you again. He's not going to be remotely reasonable after we escaped the last time. Even if you are right that he still needs you, he is going to hurt you to get what he wants. Even if you are telling me to leave, you are telling me to be okay with him hurting you when there would be a chance that I could help."

"Really? In your condition? He would get me to cave the moment he has you. I can't have you here if it looks like he's going to win!" Lena practically yells. "I am not going to watch him torture you in order to get what he wants! He's not going to touch you ever again if I have anything to say about it, so you will do as I ask!" She uses her hands to motion to emphasize her point, but flames erupt unpredictably. Lena struggles to put them out. In fact, they grow much, much taller before she's able to clench her fists. This is the last straw for Lena. She breaks down in heavy sobs and collapses to her knees, hugging herself. She feels Kara's strong arms circle her, and she tries to move away, but Kara doesn't let her.

"Lee, baby. Breathe. You're alright. We are alright," Kara whispers as she kisses Lena's head. "Breathe for me. Lex isn't going to win."

"You don't know that," Lena cries out. "He got you once. He- he was going to kill you if- if I couldn't permanently disable your powers. I'm not going to let him near you. I- I need you to leave if- if it comes to that. I- I need you safe."

"Come on. Let's sit on the bed."

Lena's guilt intensifies as she hears Kara groan while standing up from the floor. Kara put her in a position of pain and suffering for her... again. Lena's quick to move out of Kara's reach. She shouldn't be the focus right now. Kara should be taking care of her physical health first. She sits on the far side of the bed and wipes her face viciously to remove all the tears. They don't have time for her to break down right now.

"I- I know you are afraid of touching me, but please... please don't distance yourself." Kara slowly scoots herself closer to the scared, angry woman. She normally would give her the space she clearly needs, but Kara needs some reassurance right now.

Lena's tears threaten to overflow again, hearing the heartbreak in Kara's voice. She sits put as the blonde moves into her space. She even goes as far as to rest her head on Kara's shoulder to nuzzle her lightly. "I'm- I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Lee. I should be apologizing. I know you need your space, but I just... I don't know..."

"You need this. It's okay, darling. I haven't been able to meet them - your needs - since all of this... I'm so sorry."

"We've got bigger things to worry about than my touchiness, Lee. No apologies. We said we would give each other and ourselves grace and forgiveness while dealing with all of this. We apparently still need to work on that."

Lena lets out a heavy sigh. "I'm still not budging. If Lex gets through the DEO agents and the rest of us, I need you out of here."

"I can't promise you that, Lee. I need you safe, too. Why can't the plan be that we both leave if he's gotten too far through our defenses? If he gets through the DEO agents and is banging down the front door, why can't we all just... leave?"

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