Chapter 17

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"No. No, no, no. You can't... Don't you touch her!" Lena shoots up, disoriented and panicked. One hand is outstretched with flames growing taller and taller by the second.

"Lee! Lee! I'm right here. It's okay. It's just a dream."

Lena's eyes snap to a startled blonde before looking at her hand again. She is quick to clench it, extinguishing the fire. "Ar- are you alright? Did- did I hurt you?" Lena's eyes flit all over the woman, but she holds her hands to her chest.

"I'm alright. You didn't hurt me. I promise. It was just a dream." Lena continues to look her over, looking for any evidence of a burn. Kara quickly pulls down the sheets so Lena can see all of her. "See? No burns. I'm okay, baby."

Tears quickly start streaming down Lena's face. She curls up into herself. She wants nothing more than wrap this woman up in her arms, but she can't trust herself. She can't be responsible for harming her.

"Hey, hey. Come here." Kara opens her arms, but Lena shakes her head and tries to slide away from her. "No. No, don't do that." Kara bites back a groan as she sit up fully to wrap up the trembling CEO in her arms. She holds on tight even though Lena is fighting it. "Sh, sh. It's okay. Even in your dreams, you didn't hurt me. And you do have control. You know how to put the fire out."

Lena lets out a tearful laugh. "That's not control, Kara."

"Yes, it is. That's always my struggle with my powers: how to turn them off." Kara kisses the side of her head. "I know you are scared, terrified even, but it is a form of control. I believe in you, Lee. I believe in you."

"Kara... I- I- I can't..."

"I know, babe. I know. It's okay. Just let it all out. I'm right here, and we are both okay." Kara gets them both to slide back into the bed fully. She holds onto Lena like she might disappear otherwise. She just holds her and whispers words of love and understanding until Lena eventually calms down and goes limp. Kara gently brushes that inky black hair out of her face and kisses her cheek. She whispers into the night, "I love you. We are going to be okay."

By the time morning comes, Kara wakes up in the bed by herself. It's still in the wee hours of the morning because the sun isn't even up yet. She groans as she hauls herself out of bed, momentarily forgetting about her thigh until she goes to put her full weight on it. With a thud, she runs into the wall, trying to hold herself up.

"Kara," Lena admonishes her. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"You were gone," Kara states plainly. She can't help but frown that as Lena approaches. Lena keeps her arms crossed.

"Hold onto my shoulder, darling. Let's get you back into bed."

Kara sighs as she places her arm around the brunette's shoulder, leaning on to her as she hobbles back to sitting on the edge of the bed. She can't help but notice that Lena threw on an oversized tee, too. She must've been up for a while.

Lena squats down next to the blonde. "Can you peel back the bandage? I want to check to make sure it's not reopened or infected."


"Please, Kara," Lena says gently.

Kara can't help but follow the instructions because of the vulnerable tone in Lena's voice. She slowly peels the bandage back, careful not to let the tape irritate the surrounding skin.

Lena rubs her cheek against the opposite thigh to provide the little physical contact she feels comfortable with before kissing it lightly. "Thank you, darling. It looks alright, but we should change the dressing and put ointment on it. How badly does it hurt?"

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