Chapter 4

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"Darling, can you try to float for me?"

Kara nodded her head and did her best to not to let out a sigh. Her fiancé and her sister had been running tests for hours. All they found was that she didn't have her full powers back. Her superstrength was dampened. She was stronger than human, but by no means could hold up a building. With tears in Lena's eyes, she brought a scalpel to Kara's skin to find that she didn't have impenetrable skin but didn't cut as easily as humans. So, when she tried to float, she could only go a couple inches in the air.

When Kara saw the pinched and worried look on Lena's face, she was quick to try to reassure her. "I'm sure everything will be back to normal in a few days, Lee. I just woke up. You don't need to worry."

Tears filled Lena's eyes as she pulled Kara into a fierce hug. "I get to worry as much as I damn want."

Alex chipped in from behind her, "Just remember Kar: happy wife, happy life."

Kara hugged her back just as fiercely. "Can we please go home? I know I just woke up, but I'm so tired. I know you will monitor me there, too."

Lena had a silent conversation with Alex over the hero's shoulder. When Alex nodded slightly, Lena whispered in Kara's ear, "Alright, darling. Let's go home. We can stop and get some potstickers on our way."

As if the superhero's stomach had listened in to the conversation, it growled loudly. "Agreed."

Alex helped Lena pack up all her things before they loaded it up into the town car the CEO hired. After Kara changed into spare sweats and shirt, she gingerly climbed into the back of the car. She was still sore from all the damage that had been to her body, and she did lose some muscle mass being laid up in the bed for over a month. Normally, she couldn't lose weight, but thinking about it, she supposed that she had been human for a good chunk of time. She watched as Lena and Alex had a hushed conversation outside of the car. She wished that her superhearing would come back so she could hear what they had said.

Lena slid into the back seat next to Kara. After a moment, she grabbed Kara's hand and held it tightly. She was afraid that if she wasn't holding or looking at Kara, she would disappear again. Kara squeezed her hand and pulled Lena over into her side. She wrapped her arm around Lena's shoulders and held on tightly. Lena carefully and gently rested her head against the blonde's shoulder and chest. Kara leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"I missed you," Lena whispered.

"I missed you, too."

"You were unconscious, darling. You could hardly miss me."

After a few moments of silence, Kara rested her cheek against that soft, black hair. "I had dreams, visions. I saw you and heard you in them all. I don't remember the details, but I know I was trying so hard to get back to you. I remember missing you and being heartbroken that I couldn't reach you."

Lena took a deep, shuttering breath. "I- I had no idea. I'm sorry, Kara. So, so sorry."

"Baby, it wasn't your fault-"

"That doesn't matter," Lena cut her off. "You were fighting without good sleep; you were distracted, exhausted. And that is my fault."

"Lee, baby. I was tired because I picked up J'onn's shift. My focus is always to come home to you, but they just beat me. We argued, Lee, that's it. I knew we would talk, make up, and be alright. Because I know that you love me, and I love you. This wasn't your fault, Lee." Lena started to quickly cry in her fiance's arms. Kara hugged her more closely. "Let's talk about this more once we both get some real rest. Okay?"

Lena nodded her head slightly. She relaxed into the Kryptonian and stared aimlessly out the window. She clung to Kara's arm that wrapped around her waist. She clung to it like her life depended on it. She felt Kara kiss the top of her head again as more tears fell from her eyes. Lena just wanted them to be okay. She wanted Kara safe and sound at home.

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