Chapter 18

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Loud bangs on the front door interrupt the two women's lazy time out on the balcony. "Open up!"

Kara sighs frustratedly while Lena just chuckles. Kara was finally getting Lena to relax a bit about touching her, and of course they were immediately interrupted. Lena was being wary of her injuries, so Kara had convinced her to just sit across the balcony couch so Kara could lay back against her. Lena kept her hands off, but Kara could feel her pushing forward, trying to make up for it by eliminating all space between their two bodies.

With a peck to Kara's cheek, Lena husks, "I'll be right back, darling." Lena clears up their breakfast plates as she moves through the kitchen. She rolls her eyes as she hears Alex pounding on her door again. As she pulls the door open, Alex almost falls forward as her boot doesn't connect with the door as expected.

"Were you really just kicking my door?"

"Hands are kinda full," Alex says innocently with a shrug of her shoulders. With that, she cluttered the kitchen table with secure cases from the DEO. "Agents are coming up with the rest. Where do you want things?"

"This is as good as place as any. I'll get it setup this afternoon. Your sister is on the balcony. Maybe take one of the laptops with you."

Alex approaches Lena first. She looks her over, reading her body language. Lena's arms are crossed over her midsection, curled in on herself. Alex doesn't allow that. She closes the distance in just a couple steps before wrapping the woman up in a tight hug. She whispers in her ear, "I know you are scared, and that's okay. But you aren't alone. We will figure this out, and everything will be okay. Kara will get her powers back, and we will understand yours. We've got you."

Lena doesn't unwind her hands. She just lets herself fall into the tight embrace. She also doesn't want to hurt Alex. If her fire can hurt a Kryptonian, it definitely can hurt a human. She feels tears filling up in her eyes. She doesn't know what she ever did to be this loved and cared for. She shouldn't have this; not after everything she and her family has done to the Danvers.

"Go on. Get tinkering. I'll keep my sister occupied and out of your hair." Alex smiles sadly at the woman before taking a briefcase out to the waiting blonde.

Lena only has a few seconds to shake herself out of her stupor before guiding the agents where to put everything in her penthouse. She decided to have two work stations: one in the kitchen and the other in her study. It takes a number of trips to bring up all the equipment and machines she requested. As she thanks all the agents and locks her front door, Lena pulls up a laptop to start syncing the data with the LCorp databases with the DEOs. She takes it out to the Danvers sisters to get Kara to sync with the Fortress and Alura's AI system. She finds the two hunched over laptops and discussing... well... her.

"What else do we know about Lionel's time in Ireland? I'm pulling all the DEO's files on his trips on business, but was he ever there not on business?"

"Only when he went to pick up Lena after her mother passed," Kara says quietly.

Lena bites her lip. She's not sure how she feels about any of this. She takes a deep centering breath before interrupting the two women. "Kara, could I get you to connect this to the Fortress and the AI interface? I want to start running simulations while I still have somewhat of a fresh memory of Lex's data."

"Sure!" Kara answered too loudly and suddenly.

Lena knew that look on Kara: she's ashamed. "Darling, I knew you were going to be looking into me and my past. It's alright. I should give you access to Luther Corps' data systems. I saved everything on a secure server - just in case. But again, I'd much rather have the two of you helping me with the gold Kryptonite."

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