Chapter 21

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Lena and Brainy are up and moving long before the Danvers sisters. Lena did as she promised and woke the grumpy, sleepy Kryptonian to let her know with a quick kiss that she was going to be in the study. To Lena's surprise, Brainy was already puttering away. They work in a comfortable silence, only discussing an unusual result or interesting new finding. It's hours later that the smell of coffee finds it's way to them, indicating that at least Alex was up.

"Would you like a cup?" Lena asks quietly.

"That's quite alright. I will join when the food is ready."

Lena smiles to herself at that response. She greatly values her relationship with the Coluan, and she's certain that they would have been unable to make the amount of progress without him. "Shall I invite Nia to come over for breakfast?"

Brainy looks startled at the question. "I wouldn't want to interrupt our flow. I know how much anxiety and stress this all must be causing you and Supergirl."

"We all need breaks. We are going to be pausing to eat anyways. No reason she can't be here." Lena takes her leave, not listening for the response. She quickly texts Dreamer to swing by in 15 minutes to spend some time with them before guarding the streets of National City again. "Good morning, Alex."

The brunette grunts in response as she pours two mugs of fresh coffee. She thrusts her head to the side to get Lena to look outside. Kara's already buried in a laptop, a frown on her face.

"Alright, sunshine. I'll go check on her. Brainy is going to take a break when breakfast is here. Nia's going to be joining us." Lena leaves Alex to caffeinate in silence. She cups her mug close to her body as she wanders out on the balcony. She takes a moment to bask in the warmth before joining Kara on the loveseat. "Morning, darling."

Much like her sister, Kara just grunts in acknowledgment. She doesn't even look up from what she is doing. Lena just leaves her be and leans into the solid body to rest a moment. She had already been going for hours at this point. She lets her mind even rest, which is a difficult feat. The next thing she knows, the comforting little taps on the keyboard come to a halt. It feels as if she was just about to fall asleep before the disruption brought her back to attention.

"Shoot. Sorry. I thought being quiet would help you take a quick nap," Kara whispers.

"Mmm. S'okay. I shouldn't be napping anyways."

"Babe, you need more sleep."

"I'll sleep as much as you want when this is all over." Lena tilts her head to kiss Kara's jawline. "How are you feeling this morning? How's your leg?"

"It's better. Still sore, but better."

"Good. Nia's going to come over for breakfast. Then I'm going to get back to it. I feel like the answer is right in front of me, but for some reason, I just can't see it."

"We'll figure it out. What's for breakfast?"

"Noonan's. I figured we could use a break from cooking."

"Man, I miss going to Noonan's. That's the first thing we are doing when we can return to the public," Kara sighs.

Lena smiles and nuzzles into the woman. "Then the second thing is I'm taking you out on a really expensive, fancy date."

"Will you wear the suit I like?"

"Only if you wear the dress I like."

Both women are smirking at each other with their eyes darkening. They enjoy the peace and quiet for a few more minutes before a DEO agent brings up their breakfast. Nia uses a portal to come over and spends a few minutes in private for Brainy. Alex is more alert and oriented after half a pot of coffee. Lena helps Kara dish up so she doesn't have to be on her leg for longer than necessary. They sit all across the living room, just chatting and pretending that everything was alright. The moment Lena finishes, she slips out of the room to return to the research. She didn't want to interrupt Kara and Alex arguing over some childhood disagreement to Brainy's and Nia's amusements.

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