Chapter 5

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Lena was hopping in place to get her pants up over her hips. She stripped out of her shirt to find a fresh one. Goosebumps broke out when she felt warm, soft hands latching onto her waist. She froze in place. She felt Kara's chin loop over her shoulder with Kara's nose nuzzling into her neck. Lena let out a breath that she hadn't realized that she was holding when she felt lips tentatively kissing behind her ear.

Kara's hesitant, soft voice sounded broken as the warm breath hit her ear. "Stay... please. D- don't leave me alone."

Lena whipped around so fast and held Kara's face in her hands. "Oh, darling. I- I didn't.. I didn't mean that I was going to leave. I just want to find a way to get your powers back. I'm sorry. Forgive me."

Lena rested her forehead against Kara's. She firmly pressed her lips against the blonde's, trying to convince her, trying to beg for more forgiveness. She let out a whine when she felt Kara respond immediately and passionately. Kara's hands clawed at Lena's bare waist, trying to pull her closer. Tears slipped down her face. She spent over a month not being able to talk to Lena, touch her, hold her. She spent weeks being able to hear her but not be able to do anything about it. She hadn't been able to apologize for missing their date night, again, for not being home, for not coming home like she promised to do before every fight. Kara hadn't been able to make it up to her, but she was going to now.

Kara's firm hands slid down Lena's back to lightly squeeze her ass before hooking them at the back of her thighs. She effortlessly picked up Lena in her arms without breaking their kisses. She held her as close as humanly possible, but Kara was irritated by her own shirt. She needed to feel Lena's skin on her own. She shifted to hold Lena one-handed while tearing off her own shirt. Her hand latched to rub up and down her thigh. Lena moaned as her hands immediately wandered the newly exposed skin. Her fingers lightly grazed against the scrapes and cuts on Kara's back from her plummet into concrete and pavement. Lena's brows pinched at the idea that her love hadn't healed yet. Her own tears mixed with Kara's on their faces and on their lips.

Kara slowly walked them over to the bed as she tore off Lena's bra. She eased them back down onto the bed, being so, so careful to lay Lena gently on her back. She was so gentle and intentional with every brush of her hands on that pale, smooth skin. Her lips moved languidly against those puffy ones. She slipped her tongue between those pearly teeth and moaned when she feels Lena suck on it. She felt Lena's hands run up and down her back and Lena's hips grinding against her stomach. Not without a high pitched whine from the CEO, Kara broke the kiss and moved down to nip and suck on that pale, gorgeous neck.

Lena squirmed underneath the pure muscle consuming her every thought. She was aware that her hips continue to jog against those rock hard abs. Her hands tangled into those blonde tresses with her mouth slack and dirty moans escaping. She gasped when she feels that wet and warm tongue lapping at a nipple and a warm hand possessively kneading her other breast. Her nipple hardened impossibly more when she suddenly felt a burst of cold air against the slick skin. Kara quickly switched her attention to the other breast to repeat her actions. Even though Lena knew exactly what to expect, it didn't stop her from shuddering all over again.

Kara lavished those perfect, perky boobs. She placed a chaste kiss on her love's sternum before pulling Lena's bottom lip between her own and licking into her still open mouth. She kissed down the opposite side of the CEO's neck and briefly nuzzled into her collarbone before continuing her trek. The blonde placed sporadic kisses all over her stomach. She licked into that perfect little belly button. Kara didn't miss her girlfriend spreading her legs further apart. She smirked to herself as she kissed both hip bones, hearing Lena whine in need. Her hands popped the button open with ease as she slowly pulled them down with her underwear. She carefully slipped her feet out before she ran her hands up those long legs. Kara massaged her thighs to loop them over her shoulders. Kara settled comfortably and kissed both inner thighs that bracket her head. When Lena's hips rolled again with a loud whimper, Kara didn't hesitate to dive in tongue first to exactly where her love needed her. She licked the entire, wet slit a few times before she wiggled it into her drenched opening.

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