Chapter 16

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Alex does her best to leave the two women alone, but she needs answers in order to defend them. "Anything useable? Anything helpful?"

Lena tightens her grip on the chair while continuing to push Kara through the hallways. Her mind is racing. She can't seem to get her thoughts in any sort of order. Thankfully, Kara opts to answer on their behalf.

"Well, it seems like that black rock that the Children of Juru were using on Sam made a blank copy of me: one that Lex found first."

Alex's face drops. "You mean... a Lex has a pet Supergirl?"

"Unfortunately... She likely doesn't even realize that she's being used. We know how manipulative he is." Kara reach behind her to squeeze Lena's hand as best as she can. Kara frowns when she feels the woman jump at the contact. "I don't like it, but it's probably best to have the Kryptonite guns at the ready. We don't know when they will make the next move, even if Lena wounded my doppleganger."

"We will set you up in the training room since the med bay is toast right now," Alex says carefully. She rolls her eyes when she hears Kara's groan in complaint. "Don't blame me. You are the one who needed a demonstration."

As Alex walks away to update the agents to break out the Kryptonite gear, Lena takes them to the training room. As soon as the door shuts, Kara can't keep it in anymore. "Lee, let's just go home, alright? Let's go home and curl up in bed."

Lena comes around to sit on a workout bench right in front of Kara. "Darling..." Her voice cracks. "I- I think for now, it's best you keep away from me..."

Kara feels her heart drop into her stomach. "Lee, no. I don't want to be away from you. You aren't going to hurt me."

"You don't know that!" Lena yells. She's up on her feet and pacing back and forth, refusing to look at the hurt expression on the love of her life. It pains her to have to keep away, but she can't risk it.

"I do know that," Kara says softly. "You picked me up, carried me, ran with me in your arms... all of that and you only threw fireballs at your brother and his version of me. Not once did you burn me. You already said that you think these powers are tied to your emotions. You wouldn't hurt me. You would probably spontaneously combust even if someone tried to make you hurt me. I trust you, Lena. Just like you trust me."

"Don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

"Don't compare whatever this is to your powers. You know how to control them. You are always so consciously making an effort not to squeeze to hard, to be gentle. This is not that."

"I know it isn't, babe. But the trust is the same. I trust you not to hurt me. And even if you did, I know it would be completely accidental. I trusted you with Kryptonite. I trust you with this."

"Kara," Lena whimpers desperately.

"Come here," Kara pleads.

Lena stops in her tracks. She doesn't budge. She can't come closer. Kara has to know that.

Kara, being stubborn as ever, grips the arms of the wheelchair tightly. She struggles to stand herself up, to go to Lena instead.

"Kara, sit down. You are going to hurt yourself."

"Not until I get a hug," Kara pushes even hard, groaning as she does.

Lena can't stop her reaction. She sees the moment that Kara loses her balance and starts to tip forward. Lena is in front of her in a flash, wrapping her arms around Kara's waist to help her stand up.

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