Chapter 2

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Katherine pov

Everyone looks at me confused I take a seat on coach

Damon:seriously you guys believe her she is a liar a manipulative bitch

I finally look at him and we make eye contact I lean back into coach

"What happened to you Damon you used to be sweet"

Damon:that me died when you left me

Katherine:I did it to protect you guys before saying anything else hear me out and don't interrupt me again

STEFAN:go ahead

Katherine:500 years ago when I used to be human I give birth to a little girl but she was a disgrace according to my father so the minute she was born

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Katherine:500 years ago when I used to be human I give birth to a little girl but she was a disgrace according to my father so the minute she was born

They took her away from me and that's the day when I ran away from my house leaving everyone behind me

New place new people I met a guy named Trevor and he introduced me to 2 nobles mikelsons elijah and klaus

They offered me a place to live and food everything seemed perfect for me

But one day I heard them both talking about some sort of ritual a sacrifice of doppleganger to break sun and moon curse I needed to die so the sacrifice could be completed

I took help from Trevor and ran away from there and I met his friend rose who was angry at Trevor for bringing me I was injured so she fed me her blood

Elena:you're alive she helped you right

Not really she was scared for her life as well she locked me inside a room so I won't escape she was going to hand me over to them

So I took my life I took the decision of sucide but luckily I had rose blood in my system I died but came back as a vampire I spend last 500 years running from klaus he is hunting me

Do you know when I went back to Bulgaria to meet my family he killed every one of them my little sister everyone he slaughtered my whole family just because I ran away (I take a pause controlling my emotions)
I took small sigh

In...those 500 years I met you guys it was the best time I had in last 500 years but then klaus got to know where I was.i was done with running away so I faked my death but then thanks to Damon

Everyone knows I am alive klaus knows and he started his hunt again. But that's not important because I am not the only one who is getting hunted it's the next doppleganger as well


Yes elena you I came here to warn you be careful

Stefan:soo you're leaving now

Yes I have to and suggest elena the same

Damon:so you're doing it again running away instead of facing it

What do you want me to do Damon don't you get it he is dangerous he killed my entire family he is heartless he only cares about breaking curse nothing else

I turn towards the door
Damon sped infront of Me

Damon:don't you dare turn your back on me again just stayy
He says pleading with his eyes

Damon you don't understand I cannot stay

Elena:yes you can

I turn towards elena

Elena:you will be more safe with us then on your own and I have a idea in that way you don't have to hide

Stefan:what do you mean

Elena:be my twin sister I am adopted after all so no one is gonna have a doubt

Elena you're not getting it mystic falls is a small town people would notice

Elena:I have been living my whole life here no one noticed and I am giving you a chance to once to live your life the way you want go to school have friends think about it

I look at her for a few seconds and then sped off

It was unexpected I have changed the plot if I become here twin maybe I won't die maybe salvatores would protect me maybe klaus forgives me I should take the chance I have

Ohh Caroline I almost forgot I enter the hospital

Caroline:heyy elena

I am katherine

Caroline:stop joking

I told Caroline about supernatural

Caroline:why are you telling me about it

Your friends everyone is a supernatural except you and I think you can be a good vampire do you want to possess this gift

Caroline thinks for some time and then nods

I snap her neck and walk out of hospital

Tonight I am gonna go to carnival and would stop Caroline from killing the boy and would request Stefan to train her

Stefan pov

Why did you make such a offer to Katherine elena.

Elena:because I like her and I feel bad for her she never got to live her life she wanted to and believe she can help us and besides Damon is in love with her I can see it his humanity switch its her

Stefan:but that's the problem she is not in love with him she never was

Elena:I like her stefan and I always wanted a sister

Damon enters

Damon:Caroline has become a vampire she remembers my compulsion

Elena:how is it possible what will we do

Damon:kill her

Elena:we are not killing her

Damon:do you remember a girl named viky donovan

Stefan:we are not killing her


I see Damon is about to stake Caroline when elena steps in between them

Damon:go away elena why do you think I am not gonna kill you he pushes elena away and is about to stake her my eyes widen I sped off and pin Damon to wall my hands around his neck

Who give you the right to decide who gets to love who doesn't

I losen my hold

Damon:katherine why do you show up of out of no where I thought you were long gone

Katherine:ohh guess seeing you like this I decided to take elena offer into consideration

Katherine:ohh guess seeing you like this I decided to take elena offer into consideration

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Damon: so you're staying listen Katherine

I sped off without hearing another word

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now