chapter 14

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Katherine pov

Well me and klaus dancing right now well I am not blushing at all
I CAN FEEL his eyes on me like he is controlling himself or what I don't know but I avoided making eye contact

Well after the dance klaus left without saying a word I was confused was there angry he didn't say a word while we were dancing it felt as if he was holding him self

I walked towards Rabekah

Katherine:what's wrong with klaus why is he avoiding me

R:well I don't really know you can just ask him he is in his room and I am pretty sure you know the way to his room
(She says teasingly )

I just laughed and speed of to klaus room I walk in seeing klaus sitting on his bed thinking about something

Katherine:well what's wrong why are you avoiding me

He looks towards me

Klaus:now why would you say that love

He says walking towards me

Katherine:you didn't talk to me the whole time we were dancing you left as soon as the dance end without attering a word why would you do that

Klaus:I was just trying not to do something I might regret later

Katherine:trust me klaus if you did something I would forgive you for it

Klaus smiles at me

Klaus:then forgive me for this

He suddenly pulled me close and put his lips on mine it was a rough kiss using his vampire strength he pinned me to the nearby wall and deepen the kiss I put my hands around his neck responding to his kiss

He pulled apart and looked at Me

Klaus:do you forgive me for this

Katherine:you are forgiven

Short chapter cause I am busy

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now