chapter 13

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Well I was back at salvatore House getting ready for the ball well I was almost ready when elena entered my room

Elena:oo my god you look lavishing

Katherine:I know

She smiles at me

I look at myself in the mirror and ngl I did look pretty

I look at myself in the mirror and ngl I did look pretty

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Elena:the dress is pretty where did you get it from

Katherine:oh I went shopping with bekah so she bought it(I lied)

Elena noded and left the room

After that I went outside and yes Caroline picked we were going together

Caroline:so you and klaus

Katherine:what why would you say that

Caroline:I saw you guys dancing and you both almost kissed so yes I think many people know

Katherine:not really klaus doesn't likes me

Caroline:now that's something I won't believe I am a observer I can tell you he is in love with you

Katherine:what did you observe

Caroline:well when you and Damon were dancing and he saw that he got jealous well he was angry and I even thought he would pull Damons heart out or just broke his hands for touching you

I just laughed denying

And well we arrived
As soon as I enter I felt everyone's eyes on me well I know I am pretty but stop staring HUH

Well in the crowd I saw a similar blonde well with his dimples but he looked kind of angry I don't why this guy is always angry

I walked towards him

KATHERINE:why are you always angry

KLAUS:well certainly I see every FUCKING BASTARD in this room eyeing you with desperate eyes

Katherine:are you jealous

Klaus:well I don't need to be jealous seeing that in the room full of guys you walked up to me

He says smirking

Klaus:well I don't need to be jealous seeing that in the room full of guys you walked up to me He says smirking

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Katherine:well then would you like to give me a tour of this beautiful mansion of yours

Klaus:I would be honoured

We both walk through the rooms and then ended up in a room full of paintings well I know this is klaus paintings

Well then I saw a painting hanging of its tatia how could it be me right....

Katherine:is that tatia

Klaus:no love that's you tatia didn't had stunning curls like you

He says giving me a small smile and then he touched my hairs

Klaus:I love your hairs

I blushed feeling shy

And then he cupped my face and stared into my eyes

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And then he cupped my face and stared into my eyes

Klaus:you're beautiful Katherine

Then he stared into my eyes deeply

But then we heard footsteps and we pulled away awkwardly

Rebekah:well here you are it's time for dance

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now