chapter 22

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Katherine pov

The next morning I have wake up with the new found determination I have plan everything accordingly

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The next morning I have wake up with the new found determination I have plan everything accordingly

I was reincarnated as katherine pierce the girl who has bee on survival run for 500 years I can't be weak

I will find my way out of this situation getting rid of the child is not the solution for now

I need alliances maybe use my charms to get a alliance from  someone who already has a thing for me

I do know elijah is loyal to klaus like alot but who would help me escape for once he need to be selfish and I have make sure

I use it to my advantage I have been called manipulative bitch now I am gonna show who I am

I have been too kind now it's the time for some action saying this I got ready with new found determination

Game on thinking that I walked down stairs to see klaus and elijah drinking from 2 girls

And Rebekah in the corner cleaning I see Hayley walking towards me

Hayley:oh you're up you should eat something after all you're pregnant

She says smiling I give her a small nod following her maybe she can help as well along with elijah

She serves me some food which I hesitantly start eating

Klaus:are you feeling better love

He says squeezing my shoulders from behind as if giving comfort I give him a small nod and from corner of my eyes I see elijah looking at us with jealousy

Oh great that is what I need the jealousy from you elijah after all I still have hope

I mean you would help me escape from here thinking this I continue eating

I can't talk to elijah at home because literally everyone is here so I need to talk to him some where alone

Klaus: i am leaving I have to meet marcel

He says walking out while kissing my head god he is so good at acting

I pull out my phone from my pocket before seeing elijah going out I quickly follow him out to see where he is going

Suddenly I hear my phone buzz I quickly mute before looking AT WHERE elijah was but suddenly he disappeared

I sigh In disappointment but suddenly I was pulled in a dark ally alony to be pinned to a wall

Elijah:katerina why are you following me

Katherine:I need help but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone

He raises his eyebrow

Katherine:can I trust you

Elijah:i don't know you tell me will you trust me

Katherine:I have no other choice I need help and I can only think of you who can help me promise me you will help me please

I said desperately he looks at me

Elijah:you have my word

Katherine:I know what klaus is planning


Katherine:I heard you both talking he is pretending god I am a fool trust him

Tears started forming in my eyes

Katherine:I have a bad fate maybe because every guy I have loved or trusted always had lied to me I have the worst love life

Elijah:listen to me I won't let him kill you

Katherine:do you think I can live with him in the same rooftop knowing that he wants to kill me he isn't doing anything now because I am carrying his child

Elijah:what do you want me to do

Katherine:help me escape

I said pleading

Elijah:but you're the child it would be easy to track you

Katherine:elijah find someone else to carry the kid I am not responsible for it the only thing I care about his myself because everyone I have ever cared about is either a liar or is dead

I said wiping my tears

Elijah:I will find a witch to help you and as for escaping don't worry I will take care of it but I don't want klaus knowing any of it

Katherine:why are you helping me

Elijah:I don't want you to die you deserve to be free you have been running for 5 centuries

Katherine:don't you think klaus would try to find me

Elijah:he will but once the child is born he would forget about his revenge

Katherine:so what should I do

Elijah:go back home be safe I would find a witch who I can trust

Katherine:how can I trust you how do I know you won't tell klaus elijah

Eljah steps forward

Elijah:if I wanted klaus to kill you I would have snapped you neck right now you have my word I won't be betraying you I can't let klaus do the mistake he was about to do 500 years ago

Katherine:you mean killing me

Elijah:manipulating me that you should be killed love is a weakness for me love is strength

Saying this he sped away leaving me in a deep thought

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now