chapter 7

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We all are sitting in cafeteria when a girl comes and told elena a cute guy asked her out

Bonnie:she is in relation ship

Diana:you should look for him his name is klaus and katherine he asked if you would dance with him

Elena:what klaus

Diana:I know that name is weird but you should for him I swear he is cute

Katherine:where is he

Bonnie:she has been compelled
Elena:I will inform stefan you guys gather at salvatore boarding House

Scene shifts

Stefan:you guys should be more careful he made a move it'd not as safe as we thought

Damon:where is ric ?

Suddenly door opens and alaric/klaus enters

Ak:sorry I am late

I look towards him knowing who he is but he is already looking right at me

Damon:klaus made his first move we are going to decade dance and will find him

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Damon:klaus made his first move we are going to decade dance and will find him

Ak:it's not gonna be easy he is big bad vampire

Damon:ric is right what if
He says speeding towards Bonnie but she throws him across the room

Bonnie:it doesn't matter if he is original I can take him down

Damon:what does he look like

Damon says turning towards me
I see klaus looking at me from corner of his eye

Everyone looks at me

Katherine:he is......perfect

Damon:you had a crush on him(jealous tone)

Katherine:no ofc not its just he is good looking hot sexy British accent ohh and let's not forget about dimples they are adorable

I see klaus smirking

Damon:is he more handsome then me

Katherine:ofc Damon he is
(I say trying to get in klaus good side)

Damon looks at me disappointed Katherine:well do you want to be my date to decade dance

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Damon looks at me disappointed
Katherine:well do you want to be my date to decade dance

Damon smirks and nods

Scene shifts

Katherine pov

I am getting ready for decade dance well I looked stunning lucky that I got Katherine's body she is hot damn

I go outside to see Damon looking at me in awe

Katherine:let's go Damon

He offers me his hand and we enter

We see stefan and elena dancing

We suddenly hear a announcement

Klaus has dedicated this song to Katherine and elena

My eyes widen in surprise wtf is going on it was only for elena

Damon rubs my back giving me comfort

Damon:do you see him

I shook my head

Damon:let's go meet ric
He takes my hand in his

Damon:hey ric

Ric look at our intertwined hands

Damon:I am not impressed

Ric:no (he says disappointed)

Katherine:well I am it's my favourite song

Ric gives a smirk

(Well I hope klaus forgives me I have been giving him sooo many compliments)

Then Damon leaves us alone

Alaric:aren't you scared the guy has been looking for you for 6 centuries have you given up

I look at him

Katherine:well I am scared who is not scared of him but this time I will make a deal with him I have some information for him which he might like

Alaric looks at me curiously


Katherine:well its for him for a reason

I say leaving alaric/klaus in thoughs well I hope klaus comes to me for the information anytime

Me elena and Bonnie are talking when alaric/ric comes

Alaric:he has jeremy comes with me

He says taking us out

Elena:where is he

Elena:something is wrong

Alaric:60's is boring I prefer 20's

Elena:did he compel you

Alaric:now why would you say that

Elena:did you take vervain

Katherine:he is not alaric

He looks at me in amusement


He chuckles

Alaric:always been smart Katherine

Elena steps back

Alaric:don't worry you're not on my hitlist tonight
Then he looks at me

Alaric:you and I have things to talk about but you are
He says looking at Bonnie

And then attacks bonnie

Bonnie throws him across the room using magic

Alaric:now did I mention I know a witch you have to try alot harder

We all three run leaving klaus alone

We meet stefan in hallway and tell him about it he tells us to find Damon

Well when we go there we find Bonnie dead well I know she is alive

And alaric looking right at me before I knew what was happening he snapped my neck

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now