chapter 18

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Klaus pov

While I was staying in mystic falls I had a one night stand with a werewolf I was drunk and frustrated

When I returned to mystic falls I got to know that she was pregnant with my kid so my noble brother told me to take responsibility

I don't want to take her responsibility its not that I don't want family I just want it to be with someone else some one who I am waiting for her

But I am not like my father who would treat there child in a bad way

It's been a whole month I am staying in new Orleans and in those whole month I just heard once from Katherine the love of my life

Well it does feel bad but I am gonna wait however long it takes

Right now I am standing in my mansion and witch is performing a spell on hayley as her body is weak

Witch:klaus there is a problem

Klaus:what do you mean

Witch:I think the spell went wrong the kid has disappeared from hayley's womb we have to do a locator spell

Klaus:find my child or I will kill every single one of you

The Witches perform locator spell

Witch:the child is here I can feel it

She said the  she pointed at the door and katherine walked in Klaus eyes widen in surprise

Witch:now she is the one carrying your child klaus


Klaus:katherine what are you doing over here

Katherine :are you not happy to see me

Klaus speeds infront of her

Klaus:I knew it I knew it you loved me as well and are you a fool I am the happiest man right now


klaus:and if we were alone I would have showed the intensity as well

He said winking

Witch:klaus this girl is carrying your child

Klaus looks towards the Witch

Klaus:what do you mean

Witch:I did the locator spell the child is in her womb and hayley's body is not stable enough to give birth to the child now I think this girl has to do that

Katherine:but I am vampire I can't give birth

Witch:we know it's just we have to save the kid a vampire is much stronger then a werewolf/human

Klaus:is there any sort of risk in it I don't want any harm coming to her I would kill you all

Witch:don't worry we have already did a protection spell she will be fine

Klaus;it better be that way now you can leave

Saying this he takes me to his room

Katherine:I am pregnant with your child?

Klaus;yes you're the problem is we haven't did 'it' yet when we do that maybe some magic and you can give birth to a daughter who is as pretty as you right now you're carrying my child but you're not the mother although I want you to be the mother to my child

Katherine:what about hayley Klaus

Klaus:she never wanted a child

Klaus:she never wanted a child

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