chapter 16

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It has been a month since klaus left for new Orleans and I went to explore things I always wanted TO

Today I am going back to mystic falls because care has been ranting about how tyler is being an ass

Well tyler is hybrid some stuff can not be changed in this universe

I think right now tyler is in new Orleans conspiring against klaus

Klaus...well we haven't talked in this month he didn't even tried calling me

No text nothing it is as if I don't even exist I felt insecure and jealous maybe he already has taken a likeness to cami

No text nothing it is as if I don't even exist I felt insecure and jealous maybe he already has taken a likeness to cami

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As I park my car I walk towards care's house she soon opens the door and gives me a huge hug

Caroline:oh my god you're finally back I have missed you it's been a month

Katherine:but you literally called me every day

Caroline:physical meeting hits different kat


Caroline:well you left mystic falls as soon as klaus left for new Orleans it is as if you were here just for him I am hurt

Katherine:oh come on let's go inside

I spend the afternoon at her house talking about our lifes drama boys and all

Caroline revealed having a crush on stefan and talked about him

I wanted her to know about them being the endgame but I didn't because she would think I am stupid

Besides I shipped Caroline and klaus but now I have a thing for klaus and I feel jealous even thinking about klaroline

I have missed klaus I accept it like he was there for me whenever I needed him

And his presence give me comfort which I can not find in anyone else

As I walk back to salvatore house I find it empty but I go inside my room unpacking stuff

That's when my phone buzzed

Caroline:hey have you tried calling tyler because I can't
Katherine:I will do that don't worry

I said reassuring her

Then I cut the call and dialed Tyler's no

After a few seconds someone picked up the calls

"Hello love"

I gulped I knew this voice

Katherine:who is this where is tyler?

Klaus:ouch has it been this long that you don't recognise me anymore


Klaus:took you long enough it has been 31 days 7 hours and 10 seconds since I left

Katherine:I knew it was you but why do you have Tyler's phone

Klaus:your little friend kidnapped someone from my family

It was hayley I knew


Klaus:it has been 3 weeks since he kidnapped her but we rescued her but I am punishing him

Katherine:he Caroline's  boyfriend she misses him

Klaus:it is none of my concern

Katherine:Caroline is my friend and I want her to be happy

There was a silence when he broke it

Klaus:I promise you tyler will be back in mystic falls in 2 days but I want you to make sure he doesn't shows his face in new Orleans again or I will kill him

Katherine:thank you so much

Klaus:you want Caroline to be happy because you care for her I want you to be happy because your happiness matters to me if leaving tyler makes you happy then it is worth it

Katherine :thanks for everything

Klaus:you don't have to I am still waiting for you Katherine
I count every minute every second when you're not with me
Every king wants a queen and I want you to be my queen

I..I love you Katherine and will wait for you until forever ends

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now