chapter 12

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Katherine pov

damon:I don't know how they knew about mikeal

Elena:neither do I

Katherine:you guys are fools look stefan is back klaus has free him from compulsion

Elena:yes I know

Katherine:don't fight them let's just make alliance let's go to the ball

Damon nods

Katherine :I am going outside for fresh air

Well I was walking through the woods when I see a wolf well a hybrid and when he saw me this bitch he bit fuckk
It hurts

I took out my phone and dial the number of the person who can help me

Katherine:klaus help me

Klaus:what's wrong love

Katherine:I got bit by a wolf

Klaus cuts the call and before I knew in few minutes he was standing infront of Me

I slowly walk towards him


Before I knew everything went black I felt someone catching me

"I got you love"

In a flash  I was on a bed and klaus bit his wrist and brought towards my mouth I started drinking it I felt myself healing he was caressing my hairs while I was Drinking and Before I knew I drifted off to sleep

In a flash  I was on a bed and klaus bit his wrist and brought towards my mouth I started drinking it I felt myself healing he was caressing my hairs while I was Drinking and Before I knew I drifted off to sleep

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(Imagine Damon as klaus)

I felt someone caressing my cheeks

But I was too sleepy

The next morning I woke up I was in different place well as soon as I went out I spotted rebekah so yes I was Brough here by nikaus

She turned around and smiled

R:rise and shine sleepy head

I smiled back

R:there is a blood bag if you are thirsty

I took the blood bag drank blood then I saw klaus and he smiled genuinely and came where we were

Klaus:I see you're doing well

Katherine:thanks to you

Klaus:well I went to shop today and saw this beautiful dress and I could almost imagine you in that

He said eyeing me

I smiled shyly

R:did you bought it brother

Klaus:he noded and handed me a box

I took it from him and when I opened it I saw a beautiful gown

Klaus:I would love to see you wearing it
He said smirking

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now