chapter 17

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Katherine pov

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Katherine pov

AFTER klaus decline the call his words were constantly ringing in my head

"I will wait for you until forever ends"

Goshh imagine hearing this from klaus FUCKING mikealson

Fan girl inside me screamed but new Orleans was a dangerous place

I don't want to go to new Orleans I can't I was lost in my thoughts when Damon came out no where

Damon:so you're back

Katherine:yaa I am

Damon:so you and klaus

Katherine:I don't know I am confused I know I am in love with him but loving him comes with price Damon

Damon:for love people die Katherine and you're hesitating to take risk

Katherine:I just don't know if it is love or not I don't want to break his heart knowing how bad he will feel

Damon:you care about him Katherine I can see it in your eyes you care about him alot

Katherine:some people are worth caring for Damon

Damon:so why don't you take the risk our Immortal life is too long but we don't know how long we can survive specially you you have alot of enemies Katherine

Katherine:I don't know I don't want to hurt him honestly I love him alot like literally alot and If I have to sacrifice my love for his safety I will do that

Damon:do you know once a person told me loving someone is easy but keep loving them is hard and you're scared of it you are thinking you will lose feelings for him and he will get hurt

Katherine:yes Damon he has told me how hurt he has gotten these years I don't want to hurt him

Damon:you're already hurting him Katherine I am not his biggest fan but I have seen him he loves you and you're not with him it hurts him.

Katherine:so are you suggesting I go to new Orleans

Damon:yes I can understand his feelings he has waited for you for a month I have waited for you for over a century thinking you love me I don't want him to feel the same way Katherine

Katherine:I am sorry Damon thank you so much I will always be grateful

Damon:just so you know you will always have a place in my heart

Damon pov

I was still in love with her but some people are worth sacrificing for I am sacrificing my love for her happiness because that's all that matters to me her happiness

She was confused about her own feelings I wanted her to get a reality check I didn't wanted klaus to go through the phase I went through waiting for her hoping she would be back soon

I wanted her to be happy with the person she was in love with even if I hated that person

Damon:I wish you a happy life Katherine go to new Orleans take the risk be happy and if that jerk hurts you just give me a call

Katherine smiles at me

I took her in my arms one last time knowing that she will become his once she leaves

Damon:thank you for everything Katherine you may not know it but I have best memories with you

Katherine:I should be the one thanking you Damon thanks for your help

Damon:your happiness is all that matters to me

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now