chapter 23

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Katherine pov


I sat on the edge of my bed, my eyes fixed on the floor, my mind a whirlwind of emotions. I had discovered Klaus's secret, his plan for revenge against me. And it hurt, oh, it hurt so much.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Klaus strode in, a charming smile on his face. "Katherine, my love," he said, his voice warm and tender.

I looked up, my eyes meeting his, and forced a smile. "Klaus," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Klaus sat beside me, his eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong, my dear? You've been distant lately. Is everything okay?"

I nodded, trying to keep my secret hidden. "Yes, everything's fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

Klaus's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. "Katherine, I know you're hiding something from me. Tell me, what's going on?"

I shook my head, trying to appear innocent. "Nothing, Klaus. I swear."

Klaus's face softened, his eyes filled with warmth. "Okay, my love. If you're sure everything's fine...

He smirks and steps closer to me and wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him he starts talking about stuff

I forced a smile, my heart heavy with sorrow. I knew Klaus's words were a lie, a manipulation to keep me trapped in his game of revenge. And I knew I had to play along, until I could find a way to escape.

I laid down in the bed he laid beside me caressing my hairs it felt too real I accept klaus is good at pretending I can't help but ask for more because I was clearly in love with him

After a few hours
I lay beside Klaus, my body entwined with his, my heart racing with a mix of emotions. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, his voice a gentle caress, but I knew it was all a lie. His touch was a manipulation, a tool to control me.

As he pulled me closer, his lips brushing against mine, something inside me snapped. I felt a surge of adrenaline, a rush of anger and betrayal. My hands instinctively went to his neck, my fingers wrapping around his throat like a vice.

Klaus's eyes widened in surprise as I twisted, my grip tightening. His body went limp, his eyes frozen in shock. I held him for a moment, my heart pounding, before releasing my grip. His body slumped beside me, his neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

I sat up, my breathing ragged, my mind reeling. Elijah's voice was a distant whisper,him telling me  to flee, as soon as I can i ran through the streets of New Orleans, the city's magic and mystery fading into the distance as i escaped the wrath of the klaus. But I knew it was only a matter of time before He came for me again,

Flashback 1 Day Ago

Elijah:the time is running out we need to act fast

Katherine:I am still carrying his baby I can't run away now

Elijah:don't worry about it there is a witch that hates klaus and would willingly help you

Katherine:so when are we going?

Elijah:right now

Saying this he started walking with me following him soon we entered a strange place which looked abandoned without thinking much I entered

I saw a girl standing she looked like she was 16 was she the one doing the spell

I looked confused

Davina:so you're klaus wife

Katherine:ewww thank god I am not

I said rolling my eyes trying to hide my hurt expressions

She laughed

Davina:but you're pregnant with his child

Katherine:umm yes and no like I am pregnant but the kid is not mine

Davina:so how can get pregnant without getting pregnant

She looked at me confused

Katherine:good question I don't know the answer

Davina:I mean you must have sex with him and then got pregnant which is not possible because you're apparently dead

Katherine:right but the thing is I did not had sex with him I mean I did but after getting pregnant

Elijah cleared his throat

Elijah:Davina we need your help Katherine ie carrying hayley and klaus child and now we want you to find someone else who can carry the child

Davina:OK but who can carry the baby maybe hayley

Elijah:she can't she is weak

DAVINA:OK so what about cami?

Suddenly I felt jealous what if klaus and cami get close due to this

Katherine:don't you know any spell or something which could put the baby back in hayley

Davina:oh I do but how would you get hayley to cooperate

Elijah:don't worry I will bring her you start preparing

Saying this elijah speed away

Davina:so it's hayley's baby this means klaus and hayley had sex as well didn't you get suspicious at that time

Katherine:you know I never even thought about it because I was a fool I was blind back then

Davina noded and started preparing for the spell when suddenly came with hayley following him

Hayley:oh my god Katherine are you ok I just got to know everything

She pulled me into a hug I felt awkward

Katherine:I am OK and if you can help I would be more then okay

Hayley:I will help you as much as I can

Davina told us both to lay down she out some sort of liquid around us and told us to hold each others hand then she took some of my blood and fed it to hayley

And then she started chanting some spell after a few minutes I felt something lift off and I saw hayley gasping

Katherine:is it don't.

Davina noded

Davina:you're free

Hayley:just be careful around klaus don't let him get suspicious

Elijah:tomorrow is the day you have to run away we don't have much time

Flashback ends as I step back into mystic falls

Reincarnated As Katherine Pierce Where stories live. Discover now