1. Questions

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The first thing I noticed was a loud scratching noise.

The second thing was my mouth being dryer than the sahara. Wich caused me to start coughing.

The tird thing was the most desturbing. I was in some sort of lift moving upwarts extremely fast. Even tho it was exremely dark I could see bright lights at the end of my journy.

Then I started panicking. If this lift doesn't stop fast I'll fly trough the room willie wonka style exept I woudn't survive.

I felt around a bit on the floor and I found some crates in the corner of the lift I crawled to the corner not trusting myself to stand yet. I pulled my knees up to my face and made me as small as possible in hopes of making my life last just a tiny bit longer.

As i was slowly reaching the end of my life I started thinking back to my life. My age is, I don't know. My name is, I don't know... God what do I know! Every time I remember my name it vanishes of my tongue.

I can't believe I am going to die knowing who willie wonka is but not knowing who I am! Nope i have to remember before i die. I quickly laid starfish flat on the ground and sucked in all air. Not in hopes of living longer but in hopes of remembering my name before i died.

Just as I got a grasp of my name again the scary lift suddenly came to an aprupt halt.

Wait am i not gonna die willie wonka style? Looking back it would have been kinda be funny. Suddenly it became so bright that I became sure that I did die and that I was now entering heaven. I shealded my eyes from the bright light that was burning my eyes out of there sockets.

After a few seconds I removed my arm from shielding my eyes and looked out of the wonka lift as far as I could. I coudn't see much so grabbed a crate of the pile in the corner and set it on the ground were I wanted. I stood on the crate and looked around.

I could see some woods, A shit ton of grass, 4 walls trapping me and a bright blue sky meeting my eyes. Hold the fuck up. 4 walls trapping me?! It could be a good thing. I could be protecting me from danger. What kind of danger?

Turning around I could see that I wasn't actualy trapped and that there was in fact an exit. Yay if there is one thing I found out in the wonka lift it is that I hate spaces that I can't leave.

I grabbed some more crates to build mini stairs. I was more at peace after looking around me some more. I didn't see any form of danger and I saw an exit to run to if there was any sort of danger to run to.

After I spend some time of still struggling to get out of the wonka lift even tho I build some sort of stairs I finally got out. I stood up and the grass and slowly turned in a circel observing the space around me.

After looking around for a bit more I lyed on some part of grass. As I thought back to everything I laid my head on the tree roots.

Whats my name?

How old am i?

Am i the first one here?

Do i have parents?

Who are my parents?

Will i be alone here for ever?

Is this my new home?


Soooo first chapter what do you think?

What do you think of the mc?

What is your home country and something unique about it?

I know this isn't very long but I can write a chapter in a hour or more with this length. (Im not the fasted typer🤭)So that means I can update more and i won't have to work on it for ever.

I am actually pretty proud of this chapter but I probally will hate it by next week. If you have any questions about me or the book pls ask.

I hope to see you next chapter and have a nice day or night<3

Word count: 723

~•°Angel°•~ Minho x female OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu