6. the day i crushed more plants than dreams.

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(This chapter needs edeting)

"Alright lets start of with my name, my name is minho. The place that we just walked out of is called the homestead. Over there you have the animal pin." He pointed to a few cows pigs and sheeps stood behind a few fences. "There is our garden we grow a some vegetables and fruit. There against the wall are the showers and toilets." He stared to look a bit more uncomfortabe.

"And uh there in that corner in the woods are the deadheads that were the graves are so you might not want to go there." We don't realy all have our own job so just help were you can." He rushed out, not looking at me once looking at me.

He stared a bit towards the woods. "alright were do i start?" I asked in the hope to end the awkward tension hanging around. He then finaly looked at me for the first time since the tour started. His face was filled with disgust and something I couldn't quite place before he said,"I don't care just find something that your not klunk at."

Before I could ask what was wrong he walked of. Now some people would walk after him to ask what was wrong, I was simply to tired to deal with others people crap. So I also walked of.

I decided to started walking towards the gardens deciding that they looked the calmest. Don't get me wrong i love drama but right now i have more than enough to deal with already. (Pls drop your schools drama or just any drama i am bored)

As i got closer to the gardens a blond boy with messy hair walked up to me. "I,m guesing your here to try gardening out. I have to tell you, i hope your not afraid to get your hand dirty because you'll find dirt in places you didn't even know you had."

He has an accent.

I hadn't heard anybody else with an accent yet but i hadn't talked to many people so it is hard to tell if there are more people with accents. "I don't realy know if i have a green tumb. But it seems relaxing. So were can i start?"

"Well you can start removing some weed it bloody stuborn so good luck. Oh and my name is newt. Thought it might be handy to know." "Well nice to meet you newt i'll try my best but how hard can it be right?"

Turns out very.

With in probally two hours i had managed to crash four crops before newt send me away. He said it would be safest for everybody and every plant in the glade.

By the first two i had tripped over litterly nothing don't ask me how. And with the tird one i had sat down on two crops letuce. And last but not least....while i was pulling on the weeds it suddenly snapped lost my balance and took down two tomato plants.

By now the day was luckily over so it was time for dinner. I walked over to the kitchen that was surounded by about eight picknick tables that were slowly getting filled up by a bunch of stinky sweaty boys. Lets just hope i quickly get used to that smell.

I joined the line waiting for there food to be served. Before i knew it it was my turn and my plate was being filed by some sort of stew with smashed patatos. "I hope they did't give you to hard of a day. If so im sure my stew will cheer you up. My name is frypan. The best and only cook here in the glade."

Not knowing what to say i just gave him a akward nod and smile. I turned towards the tables and decided that the best place to sit was with Alby, Newt and Minho. To Minho and i might not have the best start Newt was sitting there to and had been fairly nice to me.

"I heard your first didn't go great. Don't worry i'm sure tomorrow will be much better." Alby said said with an apologetic smile.

ALRIGHT this took way to long and i'm not proud of it but i just needed to get something out because first i was just being lazy but the a lot of stuff happend in my life. Wich is also why i will not be writing a chapter every week. I will try but won't promise i also apologise for grammer mistakes i will be editing this chapter but i'm to tired to do it right now.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Love you all and don't forget to fote and comment to suport this 'book' have a good night or day<3

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